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U.S. Commercial Service

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U.S. Commercial Service logo

We welcome the chance to introduce you to the Czech Republic — a rapidly changing country fast on its way to becoming a strong member of the European Union. Today, this nation that sits at the heart of Europe has emerged as one of the region’s most prosperous and industrialized economies, and serves as a bridge for U.S. companies expanding beyond the more traditional markets in Western Europe to the developing markets in the east.

The Czech Republic’s strategic location, well-developed infrastructure, and skilled labor force has allowed this small nation of 10.5 million citizens to elevate itself to an important regional and international manufacturing hub and consumer market. Let the Czech Republic be your gateway to the emerging economics of Central and Eastern Europe.

We have a staff of commercial specialists prepared to brief you on the Czech Republic's hottest markets and to help you in your partner search.

Please give us a call +420 257 022 434, or send an e-mail to We look forward to working with you.

For more information on the Czech business climate and on US Commercial Service assistance please visit our web pages at

Stuart Schaag
Commercial Counselor

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