Student Services

Student Services, also called Pupil Personnel Services is an integral part of the total education program and includes:

Pupil Personnel Services (PPS)
The Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Staff at Cummings Elementary School includes: Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) and School Psychologist. Teachers and parents may make referrals to the Case Study Committee (CSC) or to the Student Success Team (SST) anytime during the school year if they choose to do so.

Health referrals may be made directly to the Health Technician (Nurse). All other referrals are made through the school administration, counselor or Case Study Committee (CSC).

Case Study Committee (CSC)
In order to implement the Department of Defense Dependent Schools” (DoDDS) compliance with Public Law 94-142, Cummings Elementary School has established a Case Study Committee (CSC) for the purpose of developing and implementing appropriate programs and services for exceptional children and youth. It is the responsibility of the Case Study Committee (CSC) to accept referrals from the classroom teachers and parents, to set up evaluation procedures, and to prepare an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) for the student who is diagnosed as exceptional, according to the definition of Public Law 94-142 and DoDDS implementing instructions.

Health Technician (Nurse):
Our school has the services of a School Health Technician. A child with a minor injury receives immediate first aid. In situations that warrant a telephone call home, parents will be contacted whenever a child is injured. Parents will be requested to come and take a child home whenever he/she becomes ill at school. Parents must come into the school office and sign the student out if he/she leaves early for illness, injury or medical appointment. In the event of a more serious injury, you will be notified immediately and an ambulance will be requested from the medical facilities to transport your child to the hospital. It is for this very important reason; we must always have your current telephone number and that of an Emergency Contact Person.

The school is not permitted to administer medication including aspirin and Tylenol with the exception made for medication prescribed by a physician. If medication must be taken at school by a child, the parent must first sign a “hold-harmless letter” authorizing our Health Technician to administer the medication. The medication must be given to our School Health Aide in a pharmacy labeled bottle marked with the student’s name, time to be taken, amount to be taken, and the name of the drug.

Students are not permitted to carry their medication including inhalers for asthma (allowable with a doctor’s specific instructions and the child can demonstrate proper control, security and use of the inhaler). Parents are requested to see our school Health Technician each year to update medical records and whenever changes occur during the school year. It is important that parents inform the school about any all food allergies.

Student Support Services (SST)
The Students Support Team (SST) consists of Specialists, the school counselor, principal, special education teacher, school psychologist, classroom teacher, and parent.  This team gathers to discuss academic or social concerns. All the members work together to establish a plan with modifications or extra services to help every student get the support and help they need to be successful.    

Sure Start
The Sure Start programs for both Cummings and Sollars Elementary Schools will be accepting applications for SY 2013-2014 starting April 16, 2013.  Sure Start is similar to Head Start in the United States.  Children who will be 4 years old by September 1, 2013, are eligible for SY 2013-2014.  Application forms can be picked up at both Cummings and Sollars School offices.  A copy of the sponsor’s current LES and orders showing command sponsorship of the child are required with the completed application.  All applications will be reviewed jointly by both schools.  Both classes will be selected from one set of applications.  Sure Start is primarily available to children of sponsors of E-4 or below.  Applicants from sponsors of E-5 and above will be selected only if space is available.  Early selections from E-4 and below applicants will be made in June 2013.  Final selections for the fall classes will be made on or about August 31, 2013.  If you have questions, call Cummings ES at 226-2647/2226.