About Our School

Vision Statement

The Vision of our school is to empower students to achieve excellence in scholarship, character, and citizenship as independent lifelong learners.

I will pursue excellence.
I am responsible for my actions.
I am a lifelong learner.
Success begins with ME!

School Community
Our school community consists of students, staff members, parents, military and civilian community members.

Empower Students
Students are provided with skills and knowledge needed to meet individual excellence .Teachers will incorporate standards-based instruction and differentiate methods to meet the individual needs of students.  Students will exhibit responsible learning behaviors based upon the eight pillars of character.  The community will provide support by taking an active role in student learning.

Guiding Principles/Eight Pillars of Character

  • Success for All Students
  • Uncompromising Advocacy for Students
  • Development of Lifelong Learners
  • Equal Access to Quality, Rigorous Education
  • New and Motivating Challenges to Inspire Excellence
  • Teaching with High Expectations
  • Trust and Respect for Others
  • Safe and Stable Learning Environment

Excellence in Scholarship
All students are expected and encouraged to achieve their personal best in academics.

Teachers hold students to high standards of learning.  Academic excellence is reinforced and praised in honor roll assemblies, displays of student work, and academic competitions.  The community is informed of student achievements via school newsletter, intranet, school news channel, district-wide publications, local media, and community displays.

Excellence in Character
Our community promotes ethical decision-making; all community members are expected to make choices that are good, right and proper.

Community members are guided by eight principles of good character: integrity, courage, trustworthiness, responsibility, caring, respect, fairness, and citizenship.  These principles are reinforced in the school calendar and school newsletter.  Good character is publicly recognized through classroom rewards and recognition, and at monthly Student of the Month assemblies, which are open to the entire community.

Excellence in citizenship
Our community promotes good citizenship; all community members are expected to obey laws and rules, do their parts to improve the community, cooperate, and act responsibly toward others and the environment.

Our  students  and  faculty work  in  cooperative learning groups.    Our  students  are  exposed to  a  diverse community through character education, guidance groups, conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, extra- curricular activities, host nation classes, field trips, and a Student Council.

Independent learners
Students are given the knowledge and skills needed to act and think for themselves.

Students are taught to develop their own questions and find answers.  Teachers differentiate instruction in order to support and encourage a variety of learning styles and strategies.

Life-long learners
Our community supports life-long learning for all community members by providing skills and knowledge that extend beyond the classroom.

Teachers help students to learn core, standards-based knowledge, and provide opportunities for student-driven, inquiry-based learning.  All community members are invited to continue life-long learning through professional development, extra-curricular activities, and attending classes offered by the school.