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The United States and Oman: A Friendship of Two Centuries Old

The United States has maintained relations with the Sultanate since the early years of American independence. A treaty of friendship and navigation, one of the first agreements of its kind with an Arab state, was concluded between the United States and Muscat in 1833. This treaty was replaced by the Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights signed at Salalah on December 20, 1958.

In 1972, the US established an American embassy in Muscat and an Ambassador presented his credentials to Sultan Qaboos as non- resident ambassador.

Since then, the bonds of understanding between the two countries strengthened. The United States and Oman today share common interests and objectives in the area including peace, regional stability , security and economic development.

In the following pages you will find information about the Ambassador, the Embassy, and news from the Embassy.