Tsunami Products
Tsunami messages are National Weather Service (NWS) products. NWS products are described by both a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Header and an Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) ID. The following table describes the products (click on the product for an example). WEPA41 and WEXX20 are segmented Warning, Watch, and Advisory products which contain Universal Geographic Code and NWS Valid Time Event Codes. WEAK51 and WEXX30 are public Warning, Watch, and Advisory products which are provided in a bulleted format intended for easy reading.

Click to download the list of products

WMO Header NWS AWIPS ID TWC ID Explanations

Example: WEPA41 PAAQ
Example: WEPA41 PAAQ
Example: WEPA41 PAAQ
TSUWCA PAAQ Segmented Tsunami Warnings, Watches, and Advisories for

AK, BC, and US West Coast

Example: WEAK51 PAAQ
Example: WEAK51 PAAQ
Example: WEAK51 PAAQ
TSUAK1 PAAQ Public Tsunami Warnings, Watches, and Advisories for

AK, BC, and US West Coast

Example: WEAK53 PAAQ
TIBAK1 PAAQ Tsunami Information Statements for

AK, BC, and US West Coast

Example: SEAK71 PAAQ
EQIAKX PAAQ Tsunami Seismic Information Statements for


Example: SEUS71 PAAQ
EQIWOC PAAQ Tsunami Seismic Information Statements for

BC and US West Coast

Example: WEXX20 PAAQ
Example: WEXX20 PAAQ
Example: WEXX20 PAAQ
TSUAT1 PAAQ Segmented Tsunami Warnings, Watches, and Advisories for

PR/VI, US East, Gulf, and Canadian Maritime Provinces

Example: WEXX30 PAAQ
Example: WEXX30 PAAQ
Example: WEXX30 PAAQ
TSUATE PAAQ Public Tsunami Warnings, Watches, and Advisories for

PR/VI, US East, Gulf, and Canadian Maritime Provinces

Example: WEXX32 PAAQ
TIBATE PAAQ Tsunami Information Statements for

PR/VI, US East, Gulf, and Canadian Maritime Provinces

Example: SEXX60 PAAQ
EQIAT1 PAAQ Tsunami Seismic Information Statements for

PR/VI, US East, Gulf, and Canadian Maritime Provinces