How to search for our library materials

Start your search now with one of our library research tools. Read below to learn about some of the differences between NETC WorldCat and StarWeb and when and why to use one versus the other.

Note: Our database includes citations to over 116,000 journal articles and is updated weekly

Search using NETC WorldCat

Search using StarWeb (In-house search tool)

StarWeb will be down briefly for maintenance daily from 6:00 - 6:05 PM EST

When to use NETC WorldCat When to use StarWeb

NETC WorldCat is a great place to get started, especially when you are looking to gain a sense of what materials are available.

NETC WorldCat results are presented in order of relevance to your search terms.

NETC WorldCat allows you to narrow your results by a specific author, subject matter ("content"), item format such as books, articles, DVDs, dissertations and/or year.

NETC WorldCat allows you to create

  • bibliographic citations
  • permanent urls to citations
  • share citations on social media
  • Browse many books in preview mode
  • create your own lists of books on any topic(s)

NETC WorldCat Search Tips

If you need to find the exact shelf location of items that are available at the Library, StarWeb is the best resource to use.

StarWeb allows you to get very specific about the kinds of resources you are seeking.  For example, it provides the ability to search within specific collections such as proceedings, DVDs, the documents collection and more.

StarWeb results are presented in order of how recent an item related to your search was added to our collection.

StarWeb affords an option that limits results to those items that can be read online or downloaded.

Quick Search Tips

Subject Searching






Specialty Searches

icon denoting all-hazards scholarly literatureAll-Hazards Articles in the Scholarly Literature

Premier discovery tool for scholarly periodical literature covering All-hazards topics

icon denoting academic capFirst Responder Dissertations & Theses

Browse by a variety of topics including emergency management, disaster planning, homeland security and more.

icon denoting fire preventionPrevention & Public Education Exchange

Browse or search our specially curated collection of fire and life safety education materials

icon denoting online textFind Online Texts

Discover and immediately access reports, documents, dissertations and much more.

icon denoting US fire administrationExecutive Fire Officer Papers