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Welcome to the U.S. Commercial Service - South Africa

South Africa is a country of 50 million people that is rich in diverse cultures, people and natural heritage. Enjoying remarkable macroeconomic stability and a pro-business environment, South Africa is a logical and attractive choice for U.S. companies to enter the African continent. It is the most advanced, broad-based and productive economy in Africa, and has a gross domestic product (GDP) of $363.7 billion in 2010, or about one third of the total GDP for sub-Saharan Africa region. Over the last five years, the annual growth of South Africa’s GDP has averaged 3.2 percent.

We provide a range of services to U.S. businesses interested in doing business in Southern Africa, as well as to South African businesses interested in importing U.S. products and services. 

For more information on how we can assist you in this market please contact Mala Gopal at mala.gopal@trade.gov or call her on +27 11 290 3120.

Please note that the U.S. Commercial Service programs are available throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

If you're traveling to SA soon, click here for important requirements.

The U.S. Commercial Service directly supports the President’s National Export Initiative.

SCAN ALERT: Beware of a fraudulent website and persons claiming to be certified to "The South African Government Procurement and contract board" http://www.cpbsa-gov-za.org is a fraudulent website.