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Educational Exchanges

Our Programs

J. William Fulbright Program

There are Thirteen (13) programs for both American and South African citizens to whom grants are given for research, teaching, curriculum development, and Master’s and Doctoral studies in a wide variety of fields.

Hubert H. Humphrey Program

The Humphrey program brings accomplished professionals from South Africa the United States generally at a midpoint in their careers for a year of study and related professional experience.

Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA)

The primary focus of TEA is on best practices for the classroom teacher in the secondary school. TEA brings outstanding South African teachers to the U.S. for a six-week professional development program at a U.S. university which includes coursework and intensive training in teaching.
The focus of recruitment is on mathematics, science, social science and English teachers with priority given to those in under-resourced communities.

TechWomen: Professional Mentorship and Exchange Program

The TechWomen program will identify approximately 80 women who are emerging leaders and entrepreneurs working in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) from the Middle East & Africa for a five-week program in the fall of 2013, including mentorships and professional exchanges at leading companies in Silicon Valley, California, concluding with workshops, networking events and meetings in Washington, D.C. Application deadline is February 22, 2013.

OneBeat Music Fellowships

OneBeat is an international music exchange that brings together musicians from around the world to work with their American peers and participate in a residency and a tour that focuses on musical collaboration and social engagement through innovative people-to-people diplomacy.  Fellows will work together in the composition and performance of new cross-genre works, the creation of innovative recordings and videos, and the development of practices of music as civic engagement.  OneBeat is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, administered by Bang on a Can’s Found Sound Nation. Applications are due by January 21, 2013.

Academic Programs
