On June 9, the LACPR team released the LACPR Final Technical Report for review by other Federal agencies, the State of Louisiana, non-governmental organizations, and the public. The Corps is currently accepting comments until the comment period closes on July 24, 2009.

Mail comments to:

USACE New Orleans District
P.O. Box 60267
Protection and Restoration Office
Coastal Restoration Branch
New Orleans, LA 70160
Attn: Tim Axtman, PM-OR

Or submit comments electronically:

The information contained within the June 2009 LACPR Final Technical Report has been reviewed by technical experts both within the Corps and independent to the Corps. On March 3, the LACPR team submitted a draft report to the National Academies, an independent group of highly respected professionals, for a second round of independent, external peer review. The review panel will issue its final report on LACPR in early July 2009.

The Final Technical Report provides a suite of alternatives. There are five or six technically viable plans for each of the five planning units. The report describes the tradeoffs that each plan requires to achieve a specific level of risk reduction. Plans include one or more of three types of risk reduction measures: structural, nonstructural, and coastal restoration.

Once the National Academies review, and the public, and State and Federal agency review, is complete a supplement to the report documenting needed future action may be produced. The Final Technical Report will then go to the Chief of Engineers office in Washington, DC, who will forward it to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works.
Louisiana State Seal

Hosted by:

US Army Corps of Engineers
New Orleans District
Engineer Research and Development Center