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Life Stories: Granddaughter, Grandfather Saved by "Selfless Gift"

Cheyenne Arnold and Harrison Black Cheyenne Arnold and Harrison Black

Heart Recipients: Olvette, MO

Cheyenne Noel Arnold developed cardiomyopathy (severe heart disease) at 4 months old. By 18 months, she needed a new heart to live. After being put on the transplant waiting list, Cheyenne soon received her new heart and a new chance at life.

During this same period, Cheyenne’s grandfather, Harrison Black, had developed the same disease and was told that he, too, would need a heart transplant. Harrison decided that “if Cheyenne made it through, surely I can, too.”

Just 6 weeks after Harrison received his new heart, he was holding Cheyenne in his lap. And now, 6 years later, they continue to enjoy spending time together, especially camping and riding Harrison’s motorcycle. Their family is very thankful, saying, “Two lives in our family were saved because of the selfless gift of organ donation.”

Cheyenne's story is courtesy of Donate Life Missouri, Jefferson City, MO.

“Two lives in our family were saved because of the selfless gift of organ donation.” 

— Cheyenne’s family


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