Key Players in the Purchase Process

Cardholder - Your role as the cardholder is to use the purchase charge card to buy supplies and services for Government use. You hold the primary responsibility for the proper use of the purchase charge card and must comply with all applicable regulations and procedures of your agency.

Approving Official (AO) – The AO, typically the cardholder’s supervisor, assures proper use of the purchase charge card. He/she determines if purchases are necessary for accomplishing the mission of your agency.

Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC) - The A/OPC oversees the charge card program, establishes guidelines for his/her agency, and assists cardholders in answering questions, establishing and maintaining accounts, and issuing and destroying cards. Only he/she is authorized to establish new accounts through the contractor bank.

Transaction Dispute Officer (TDO) - The TDO oversees proper processing of transaction disputes and works with the contractor to resolve transaction disputes on centrally billed invoices.

Designated Billing Office (DBO) - The DBO oversees the proper processing of invoices and ensures invoices are paid within the Prompt Payment Act timeframes.

Purchase Charge Card Contractor/ Issuing Bank - The purchase charge card contractor bank for your agency:

  • Enables merchant payments for purchase charge card transactions
  • Establishes cardholder accounts
  • Issues cards
  • Prepares the monthly statement for each cardholder
  • Issues invoices to the DBO
  • Provides 24-hour customer service
  • Prepares reports that assist your agency in effectively utilizing the charge card program

Merchant - The merchant is the source for your supplies or services. Merchants may be a required source inside or outside the Government, another Government agency, or a private sector merchant of supplies or services.

The GSA SmartPay® program provides charge cards to agencies/departments throughout the U.S. government, as well as tribal governments, through master contracts that are negotiated with major national banks.

SmartPay® Charge Cards are for Official U.S. Government usage only.


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