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Research and Evaluation

Research and Evaluation

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) assists government agencies and organizations create effective health communication programs that are built on solid research and evaluation.

This information helps agencies refine the design, implementation and overall quality of a communication intervention. To support the research and evaulation process, ORISE specifically collects and analyzes data from appropriate sources, develops protocols, reports findings and recommendations, and provides logistical support.

From assessing human health hazards to testing communications materials using the representative audience, ORISE identifies the health issues, audience perceptions, communication needs and behavioral change strategies.

Our research and evaluation capabilities include:

Process and Program Evaluation

Process and Program Evaluation

ORISE helps government agencies and organizations choose the right evaluation method to assess the effectiveness of processes and programs.

Data Collection and Analysis

Data Collection and Analysis

Through formative research and evaluation, ORISE collects and analyzes program data to assist government agencies and organizations in making informed public health decisions.

Media Analysis and Monitoring

Media Analysis and Monitoring

ORISE uses specialized tools to monitor media messages and identify trends that allow government agencies to quickly respond to the most pressing health issues.