US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Protected Area Center

MPA Federal Advisory Committee History

  > MPA Federal Advisory Committee  > History

The first MPA Federal Advisory Committee was appointed by the Secretary of Commerce in 2003, and met for the first time in June 2003. This page contains a complete catalogue of each of that committee’s meeting held between 2003 and 2005, including their final recommendation report sent to the Secretaries of Commerce and the Interior in June 2005.

June 2005 Recommendations to Departments of Commerce and the Interior:
“Protecting America’s Marine Environment: A Report of the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee on Establishing and Managing a National System of Marine Protected Areas”

In June 2005, the MPA Federal Advisory Committee delivered its first set of recommendations to the Departments of Commerce and the Interior on establishing and managing a national system of marine protected areas. The report was unanimously adopted by the committee at its May 2005 meeting.





MPA Federal Advisory Committee Meeting Archive: 2003-2005

May 17-19, 2005, Portland, Maine

The draft agenda for the Federal Advisory Committee meeting in Portland, Maine.

Draft Synthesis Report, MPA Federal Advisory Committee, April 29, 2005.

A full transcript of the May 17-19, 2005 proceedings in Portland, Maine

The minutes from May 17-19, 2005 meeting in Portland, Maine. (pdf, 109kb)
Presentations and Documents:

February 15-17, 2005, Arlington, Virginia

The agenda for the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee meeting held in Arlington, Virginia.

A full transcript of the February 15-17, 2005 proceedings.

The minutes from the February 15-17, 2005 meeting in Arlington, Virginia have been certified by the Federal Advisory Committee Designated Federal Officer and by the Committee Chairman, Dr. Dan Bromley (pdf, 132 kb)

Presentations and Materials


September 21-24, 2004, Maui, Hawaii

The agenda for the fourth Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee meeting.

A full transcript of the September 21-23, 2004 proceedings.

The minutes from the September 21-23, 2004 meeting in Maui, Hawaii, have been certified by the Federal Advisory Committee Designated Federal Officer and by the Committee Chairman, Dr. Dan Bromley.


April 6-8, 2004, Key Largo, Florida
The third meeting of the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee was held in Key Largo, Florida.

The agenda for the third Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee meeting.
Read the Federal Register Notice for more details.

The minutes from the April 6-8, 2004 meeting in Key Largo, Florida, have been certified by the Federal Advisory Committee Designated Federal Officer and by the Committee Chairman, Dr. Dan Bromley.

A full transcript of the April 6-8, 2004 proceedings.

Supporting Documents
  • Guidelines for Advisory Committee
  • Subcommittee Focus Areas
  • Decision Pathway for Federal Advisory Committee Recomendations (pdf, 55kb)

  • (top)

    November 17-19, 2003, San Francisco, CA
    The second meeting of the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee was held in San Mateo, California.

    A detailed agenda of the second Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee meeting.

    The minutes from the November 17-19, 2003 meeting in San Mateo, California, have been certified by the Federal Advisory Committee Designated Federal Officer and by the Committee Chairman, Dr. Dan Bromley.

    A full transcript of the November 17-19, 2003 proceedings.



    June 24-25, 2003, Washington, D.C.
    The inaugural meeting of the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee was held at the Department of Commerce auditorium.

    A detailed agenda of the two-day Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee meeting, including links to presentations and public comments.

    Transcript - Addendum to the MPA FAC Transcript (pdf, 53k)
    A full transcript, including an addendum, of the June 24-25, 2003 proceedings.

    Supporting Documents
    Links to all documents provided to the Federal Advisory Committee and to the public during the augural meeting, including the MPA Executive Order, Committee charter, press releases, biographies, background documents, and presentations.


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    Revised October 31, 2011 | Site jointly managed by the U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA and the U.S. Department of the Interior
    Web Site Owner: National Ocean Service