HRIBF PAC-11 Experiments

HRIBF PAC-11 Experiments
The HRIBF Program Advisory Committee met at the HRIBF in Oak Ridge on January 13-14, 2005. A total of 206 eight-hour shifts of radioactive ion beams (RIBs), 106 shifts of SIBs for RIBs, and 63 shifts of stable ion beams (SIBs) were requested. A total of 200 shifts were approved, including 105 shifts of RIBs, 71 shifts of SIBs for RIBs, and 24 shifts of SIBs.
RIB-054 - Extension of RIB-054: Study of 26Si States of Interest for Understanding the 25 Al(p,γ)26Si Reaction Rate in Novae
D. Bardayan (ORNL)
3 SIB shifts
RIB-096 - Isobaric Analog States in Mass A=62,61 Nuclides: Mirror Symmetry and Proton Decay in the Upper fp Shell
D. Rudolph (Lund)
15 SIB shifts
RIB-101 - Search for New Alpha Emitters Above 100Sn
R. D. Page (Liverpool)
6 SIB shifts with 9 additional shifts contingent on results
RIB-102 - Request to Re-authorize the Proposal to Study the Proton Decay of 149Lu with the ENGE Spectrometer and Radioactive 56Ni Beam (RIB-102)
C. R. Bingham (Tennessee)
6 SIB for RIB shifts
RIB-109 - Measurement of the 7Be+p elastic excitation function
U. Greife (Colorado School of Mines)
6 RIB shifts
RIB-112 - Progress Report on RIB112: Measurement of the 2+ state of 132Te produced as a radioactive beam
N. Benczer-Koller (Rutgers)
9 additional RIB shifts and 4 SIB for RIB shifts
RIB-143 - Fusion of 132,124Sn with 48,40Ca
H. Amro (Michigan/Notre Dame)
20 RIB shifts and 5 SIB for RIB shifts
RIB-144 - Measurement of B(E2) values at the N=50 shell clousure
E. Padilla-Rodal (UNAM)
15 RIB shifts and 6 SIB for RIB shifts
RIB-145 - Proton-transfer study of unbound 19Ne states via 22H(18F,α+15O)n
C. R. Brune (Ohio)
12 RIB shifts and 2 SIB for RIB shifts
RIB-146 - Near barrier fusion of 132Sn and 58Ni
F. Liang (ORNL)
13 RIB shifts
RIB-147 - Search for π-ν mirror components in the wave function of a third proton emitting state in 150Lu
M. Karny (Warsaw)
15 SIB shifts
RIB-148 - Gyromagnetic ratios in 134Te and 136Te by the Recoil in Vacuum Technique
A. Stuchbery (Australian National University)
15 RIB shifts and 21 SIB for RIB shifts
RIB-149 - Coulomb Excitation of 56Ni ISOL Beam and its neighbors: Probe of Stability of the N=Z=28 Closed Core
C. Baktash (ORNL)
15 RIB shifts and 12 SIB for RIB shifts

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This file last modified Tuesday July 26, 2005