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Online Digest February 2013
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Youth Advice for Foster Parents

Youth Success NYC, a resource network for youth in care, offers youth the opportunity to express their feelings about many aspects of the out-of-home experience. A prominent section of the Youth Success NYC website features stories written by teens in foster care. One recent story contains practical advice for foster parents with a particular focus on children's need for stability, protection, and acceptance. Tips and recommendations included the following:

  • Make your home a place where a child feels safe and secure.
  • Introduce your child the neighborhood, local stores, transportation, etc.
  • Help your child open up and listen to what he or she has to say.
  • Include your child in your family life and be supportive of his or her relationships with the biological family.
  • Encourage your child's independence and respect his or her different beliefs.

Simple Tips for Foster Parents is available on the Youth Success NYC website:

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Vol. 14, No. 1
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