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Online Digest February 2013
  • News From the Children's Bureau

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Children's Bureau Centennial Update

With just 2 months remaining in the Children's Bureau's centennial year, a number of materials are being released and there are ongoing events honoring the Bureau's 100-year history of serving the nation's children and families.

Additions to the centennial website include:

  • Recordings, transcripts, and PowerPoint slides from the second and third historical webinars "The Story of the Children's Bureau, America in Wartime: 1938–1960" and "The Story of the Children's Bureau, Changing Times, Reshaping Priorities: 1961–1986":
  • Recordings, transcripts, and PowerPoint slides from three recent topical webinars, including:
    • "Formal Education or School of Life? What Are the Best Credentials for the Child Welfare Workforce?"
    • "Who Should Our Clients Be? Differential Response and the Provision of Services to Voluntary Clients"
    • "Friending Your Clients on Facebook: How Social Media Influences Child Welfare Practice"

Still to come:

  • The final historic webinar, "The Story of the Children's Bureau, 21st Century Child Welfare: 1987 – 2012," will focus on the most recent 25 years in Children's Bureau history. This webinar will take place in March. The date and time are forthcoming.
  • The next topical webinar, "Taking Risk With Risk: Examining the Conflict Between Children's Rights and Parents' Rights in Child Welfare," will take place in the coming weeks. 
  • An interactive timeline of child welfare and Children's Bureau milestones is scheduled to launch on the centennial website in April.
  • Also in April, an e-book commemorating the Children's Bureau's history, The Children's Bureau Legacy: Ensuring the Right to Childhood, will be made available.  
  • The second CBX Centennial Series will continue through April. The first Centennial Series addressed some of the social issues, practices, and policies that laid the groundwork for the creation of the Children's Bureau. The second Centennial Series, CB Decade-by-Decade, features articles that examine highlights from each decade of the Children's Bureau's first 100 years.

For more information about the Children's Bureau's centennial and updates about these forthcoming events and materials, visit the centennial website:

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Vol. 14, No. 1
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