1.8 Fourier Series1.10 Functions of a Complex Variable

§1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable


§1.9(i) Complex Numbers


Real and Imaginary Parts


Polar Representation




and when z\neq 0,

1.9.5\theta=\omega,\;\;\pi-\omega,\;\;-\pi+\omega,\mbox{ or }-\omega,

according as z lies in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quadrants. Here


Modulus and Phase

\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z=\theta+2n\pi,n\in\Integer.

The principal value of \mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z corresponds to n=0, that is, -\pi\leq\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z\leq\pi. It is single-valued on \Complex\setminus\{ 0\}, except on the interval (-\infty,0) where it is discontinuous and two-valued. Unless indicated otherwise, these principal values are assumed throughout the DLMF. (However, if we require a principal value to be single-valued, then we can restrict -\pi<\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z\leq\pi.)




see §4.14.

Complex Conjugate

1.9.13\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits\conj{z}=-\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z.

Arithmetic Operations

If z_{1}=x_{1}+iy_{1}, z_{2}=x_{2}+iy_{2}, then

1.9.14z_{1}\pm z_{2}=x_{1}\pm x_{2}+i(y_{1}\pm y_{2}),

provided that z_{2}\neq 0. Also,

1.9.18\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits\!\left(z_{1}z_{2}\right)=\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z_{1}+\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z_{2},
1.9.20\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits\frac{z_{1}}{z_{2}}=\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z_{1}-\mathop{\mathrm{ph}\/}\nolimits z_{2}.

Equations (1.9.18) and (1.9.20) hold for general values of the phases, but not necessarily for the principal values.



Triangle Inequality


§1.9(ii) Continuity, Point Sets, and Differentiation


A function f(z) is continuous at a point z_{0} if \lim\limits _{{z\to z_{0}}}f(z)=f(z_{0}). That is, given any positive number \epsilon, however small, we can find a positive number \delta such that |f(z)-f(z_{0})|<\epsilon for all z in the open disk |z-z_{0}|<\delta.

A function of two complex variables f(z,w) is continuous at (z_{0},w_{0}) if \lim\limits _{{(z,w)\to(z_{0},w_{0})}}f(z,w)=f(z_{0},w_{0}); compare (1.5.1) and (1.5.2).

Point Sets in \Complex

A neighborhood of a point z_{0} is a disk \left|z-z_{0}\right|<\delta. An open set in \Complex is one in which each point has a neighborhood that is contained in the set.

A point z_{0} is a limit point (limiting point or accumulation point) of a set of points S in \Complex (or \Complex\cup\infty) if every neighborhood of z_{0} contains a point of S distinct from z_{0}. (z_{0} may or may not belong to S.) As a consequence, every neighborhood of a limit point of S contains an infinite number of points of S. Also, the union of S and its limit points is the closure of S.

A domain D, say, is an open set in \Complex that is connected, that is, any two points can be joined by a polygonal arc (a finite chain of straight-line segments) lying in the set. Any point whose neighborhoods always contain members and nonmembers of D is a boundary point of D. When its boundary points are added the domain is said to be closed, but unless specified otherwise a domain is assumed to be open.

A region is an open domain together with none, some, or all of its boundary points. Points of a region that are not boundary points are called interior points.

A function f(z) is continuous on a region R if for each point z_{0} in R and any given number \epsilon (>0) we can find a neighborhood of z_{0} such that \left|f(z)-f(z_{0})\right|<\epsilon for all points z in the intersection of the neighborhood with R.


A function f(z) is differentiable at a point z if the following limit exists:

1.9.24f^{{\prime}}(z)=\frac{df}{dz}=\lim _{{h\to 0}}\frac{f(z+h)-f(z)}{h}.

Differentiability automatically implies continuity.

Cauchy–Riemann Equations

If f^{{\prime}}(z) exists at z=x+iy and f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y), then

\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}=\frac{\partial v}{\partial y},
\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}=-\frac{\partial v}{\partial x}

at (x,y).

Conversely, if at a given point (x,y) the partial derivatives \ifrac{\partial u}{\partial x}, \ifrac{\partial u}{\partial y}, \ifrac{\partial v}{\partial x}, and \ifrac{\partial v}{\partial y} exist, are continuous, and satisfy (1.9.25), then f(z) is differentiable at z=x+iy.


A function f(z) is said to be analytic (holomorphic) at z=z_{0} if it is differentiable in a neighborhood of z_{0}.

A function f(z) is analytic in a domain D if it is analytic at each point of D. A function analytic at every point of \Complex is said to be entire.

If f(z) is analytic in an open domain D, then each of its derivatives f^{{\prime}}(z), f^{{\prime\prime}}(z), \dots exists and is analytic in D.

Harmonic Functions

If f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) is analytic in an open domain D, then u and v are harmonic in D, that is,

1.9.26\frac{{\partial}^{2}u}{{\partial x}^{2}}+\frac{{\partial}^{2}u}{{\partial y}^{2}}=\frac{{\partial}^{2}v}{{\partial x}^{2}}+\frac{{\partial}^{2}v}{{\partial y}^{2}}=0,

or in polar form ((1.9.3)) u and v satisfy

1.9.27\frac{{\partial}^{2}u}{{\partial r}^{2}}+\frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial u}{\partial r}+\frac{1}{r^{2}}\frac{{\partial}^{2}u}{{\partial\theta}^{2}}=0

at all points of D.

§1.9(iii) Integration

An arc C is given by z(t)=x(t)+iy(t), a\leq t\leq b, where x and y are continuously differentiable. If x(t) and y(t) are continuous and x^{{\prime}}(t) and y^{{\prime}}(t) are piecewise continuous, then z(t) defines a contour.

A contour is simple if it contains no multiple points, that is, for every pair of distinct values t_{1},t_{2} of t, z(t_{1})\neq z(t_{2}). A simple closed contour is a simple contour, except that z(a)=z(b).


1.9.28\int _{C}f(z)dz=\int _{a}^{b}f(z(t))(x^{{\prime}}(t)+iy^{{\prime}}(t))dt,

for a contour C and f(z(t)) continuous, a\leq t\leq b. If f(z(t_{0}))=\infty, a\leq t_{0}\leq b, then the integral is defined analogously to the infinite integrals in §1.4(v). Similarly when a=-\infty or b=+\infty.

Jordan Curve Theorem

Any simple closed contour C divides \Complex into two open domains that have C as common boundary. One of these domains is bounded and is called the interior domain of C; the other is unbounded and is called the exterior domain of C.

Cauchy’s Theorem

If f(z) is continuous within and on a simple closed contour C and analytic within C, then

1.9.29\int _{C}f(z)dz=0.

Cauchy’s Integral Formula

If f(z) is continuous within and on a simple closed contour C and analytic within C, and if z_{0} is a point within C, then

1.9.30f(z_{0})=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{C}\frac{f(z)}{z-z_{0}}dz,


1.9.31f^{{(n)}}(z_{0})=\frac{n!}{2\pi i}\int _{C}\frac{f(z)}{(z-z_{0})^{{n+1}}}dz,n=1,2,3,\dots,

provided that in both cases C is described in the positive rotational (anticlockwise) sense.

Liouville’s Theorem

Any bounded entire function is a constant.

Winding Number

If C is a closed contour, and z_{0}\not\in C, then

1.9.32\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{C}\frac{1}{z-z_{0}}dz=\mathcal{N}(C,z_{0}),

where \mathcal{N}(C,z_{0}) is an integer called the winding number of C with respect to z_{0}. If C is simple and oriented in the positive rotational sense, then \mathcal{N}(C,z_{0}) is 1 or 0 depending whether z_{0} is inside or outside C.

Poisson Integral

If h(w) is continuous on |w|=R, then with z=re^{{i\theta}}


is harmonic in |z|<R. Also with \left|w\right|=R, \lim\limits _{{z\to w}}u(z)=h(w) as z\to w within |z|<R.

§1.9(iv) Conformal Mapping

The extended complex plane, \Complex\,\cup\,\{\infty\}, consists of the points of the complex plane \Complex together with an ideal point \infty called the point at infinity. A system of open disks around infinity is given by

1.9.35S_{r}=\{ z\mid|z|>1/r\}\cup\{\infty\},0<r<\infty.

Each S_{r} is a neighborhood of \infty. Also,

1.9.36\infty\pm z=z\pm\infty=\infty,
1.9.37\infty\cdot z=z\cdot\infty=\infty,z\not=0,
1.9.39z/0=\infty,z\neq 0.

A function f(z) is analytic at \infty if g(z)=f(1/z) is analytic at z=0, and we set f^{{\prime}}(\infty)=g^{{\prime}}(0).

Conformal Transformation

Suppose f(z) is analytic in a domain D and C_{1},C_{2} are two arcs in D passing through z_{0}. Let C^{{\prime}}_{1},C^{{\prime}}_{2} be the images of C_{1} and C_{2} under the mapping w=f(z). The angle between C_{1} and C_{2} at z_{0} is the angle between the tangents to the two arcs at z_{0}, that is, the difference of the signed angles that the tangents make with the positive direction of the real axis. If f^{{\prime}}(z_{0})\not=0, then the angle between C_{1} and C_{2} equals the angle between C^{{\prime}}_{1} and C^{{\prime}}_{2} both in magnitude and sense. We then say that the mapping w=f(z) is conformal (angle-preserving) at z_{0}.

The linear transformation f(z)=az+b, a\not=0, has f^{{\prime}}(z)=a and w=f(z) maps \Complex conformally onto \Complex.

Bilinear Transformation

1.9.40w=f(z)=\frac{az+b}{cz+d},ad-bc\not=0, c\not=0.

The transformation (1.9.40) is a one-to-one conformal mapping of \Complex\,\cup\,\{\infty\} onto itself.

The cross ratio of z_{1},z_{2},z_{3},z_{4}\in\Complex\cup\{\infty\} is defined by


or its limiting form, and is invariant under bilinear transformations.

Other names for the bilinear transformation are fractional linear transformation, homographic transformation, and Möbius transformation.

§1.9(v) Infinite Sequences and Series

A sequence \{ z_{n}\} converges to z if \lim\limits _{{n\to\infty}}z_{n}=z. For z_{n}=x_{n}+iy_{n}, the sequence \{ z_{n}\} converges iff the sequences \{ x_{n}\} and \{ y_{n}\} separately converge. A series \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}z_{n} converges if the sequence s_{n}=\sum^{n}_{{k=0}}z_{k} converges. The series is divergent if s_{n} does not converge. The series converges absolutely if \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}|z_{n}| converges. A series \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}z_{n} converges (diverges) absolutely when \lim\limits _{{n\to\infty}}|z_{n}|^{{1/n}}<1 (>1), or when \lim\limits _{{n\to\infty}}\left|\ifrac{z_{{n+1}}}{z_{n}}\right|<1 (>1). Absolutely convergent series are also convergent.

Let \{ f_{n}(z)\} be a sequence of functions defined on a set S. This sequence converges pointwise to a function f(z) if

1.9.46f(z)=\lim _{{n\to\infty}}f_{n}(z)

for each z\in S. The sequence converges uniformly on S, if for every \epsilon>0 there exists an integer N, independent of z, such that


for all z\in S and n\geq N.

A series \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}f_{n}(z) converges uniformly on S, if the sequence s_{n}(z)=\sum^{n}_{{k=0}}f_{k}(z) converges uniformly on S.

Weierstrass M-test

Suppose \{ M_{n}\} is a sequence of real numbers such that \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}M_{n} converges and |f_{n}(z)|\leq M_{n} for all z\in S and all n\geq 0. Then the series \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}f_{n}(z) converges uniformly on S.

A doubly-infinite series \sum^{\infty}_{{n=-\infty}}f_{n}(z) converges (uniformly) on S iff each of the series \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}f_{n}(z) and \sum^{\infty}_{{n=1}}f_{{-n}}(z) converges (uniformly) on S.

§1.9(vi) Power Series

For a series \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}a_{n}(z-z_{0})^{n} there is a number R, 0\leq R\leq\infty, such that the series converges for all z in |z-z_{0}|<R and diverges for z in |z-z_{0}|>R. The circle |z-z_{0}|=R is called the circle of convergence of the series, and R is the radius of convergence. Inside the circle the sum of the series is an analytic function f(z). For z in |z-z_{0}|\leq\rho (<R), the convergence is absolute and uniform. Moreover,



1.9.49R=\liminf _{{n\to\infty}}|a_{n}|^{{-1/n}}.

For the converse of this result see §1.10(i).


When \sum a_{n}z^{n} and \sum b_{n}z^{n} both converge

1.9.50\sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}(a_{n}\pm b_{n})z^{n}=\sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}a_{n}z^{n}\pm\sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}b_{n}z^{n},





Next, let


Then the expansions (1.9.54), (1.9.57), and (1.9.60) hold for all sufficiently small |z|.



1.9.56b_{n}=-(a_{1}b_{{n-1}}+a_{2}b_{{n-2}}+\dots+a_{n}b_{0})/a_{0},n\geq 1.

With a_{0}=1,

1.9.57\mathop{\ln\/}\nolimits f(z)=q_{1}z+q_{2}z^{2}+q_{3}z^{3}+\cdots,

(principal value), where



1.9.59q_{n}=(na_{n}-(n-1)a_{1}q_{{n-1}}-(n-2)a_{2}q_{{n-2}}-\cdots-a_{{n-1}}q_{1})/n,n\geq 2.



(principal value), where \nu\in\Complex,

p_{1}=\nu a_{1},


1.9.62p_{n}=((\nu-n+1)a_{1}p_{{n-1}}+(2\nu-n+2)a_{2}p_{{n-2}}+\dots+((n-1)\nu-1)a_{{n-1}}p_{1}+n\nu a_{n})/n,n\geq 1.

For the definitions of the principal values of \mathop{\ln\/}\nolimits f(z) and (f(z))^{\nu} see §§4.2(i) and 4.2(iv).

Lastly, a power series can be differentiated any number of times within its circle of convergence:

1.9.63f^{{(m)}}(z)=\sum _{{n=0}}^{\infty}\left(n+1\right)_{{m}}a_{{n+m}}(z-z_{0})^{n},\left|z-z_{0}\right|<R, m=0,1,2,\dots.

§1.9(vii) Inversion of Limits

Double Sequences and Series

A set of complex numbers \{ z_{{m,n}}\} where m and n take all positive integer values is called a double sequence. It converges to z if for every \epsilon>0, there is an integer N such that


for all m,n\geq N. Suppose \{ z_{{m,n}}\} converges to z and the repeated limits

\lim _{{m\to\infty}}\left(\lim _{{n\to\infty}}z_{{m,n}}\right),
\lim _{{n\to\infty}}\left(\lim _{{m\to\infty}}z_{{m,n}}\right)

exist. Then both repeated limits equal z.

A double series is the limit of the double sequence

1.9.66z_{{p,q}}=\sum^{p}_{{m=0}}\sum^{q}_{{n=0}}\zeta _{{m,n}}.

If the limit exists, then the double series is convergent; otherwise it is divergent. The double series is absolutely convergent if it is convergent when \zeta _{{m,n}} is replaced by |\zeta _{{m,n}}|.

If a double series is absolutely convergent, then it is also convergent and its sum is given by either of the repeated sums

\sum^{\infty}_{{m=0}}\left(\sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}\zeta _{{m,n}}\right),
\sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}\left(\sum^{\infty}_{{m=0}}\zeta _{{m,n}}\right).

Term-by-Term Integration

Suppose the series \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}f_{n}(z), where f_{n}(z) is continuous, converges uniformly on every compact set of a domain D, that is, every closed and bounded set in D. Then

1.9.68\int _{C}\sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}f_{n}(z)dz=\sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}\int _{C}f_{n}(z)dz

for any finite contour C in D.

Dominated Convergence Theorem

Let (a,b) be a finite or infinite interval, and f_{0}(t),f_{1}(t),\dots be real or complex continuous functions, t\in(a,b). Suppose \sum^{\infty}_{{n=0}}f_{n}(t) converges uniformly in any compact interval in (a,b), and at least one of the following two conditions is satisfied:


