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Faith and Communities Help Spread the Word on the Seasonal Flu Vaccine

December 7, 2010

By Alexia Kelley, Director, Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (The Partnership Center), HHS

This week, the HHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships is promoting National Influenza Vaccination Week (“Flu Vaccine Week”) with coordinated events around the country and with the release of two new Fight the Flu Resources for our faith and community-based partners.

For the first time ever, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  recommends that every person 6 months and older should get the seasonal flu vaccine. To highlight the importance and the safety of the flu vaccination, key HHS officials spoke at a diverse array of congregations and community organizations over the weekend.

Leading the launch of Flu Vaccine Week, Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin spoke at The Potter’s House in Dallas, TX , pastored by Bishop TD Jakes. Speaking to the congregation, the Surgeon General thanked The Potter’s House for their tremendous community health outreach and emphasized the need for individuals and families to get the flu shot.

Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin and Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Minority Health Dr. Garth Graham help launch Flu Vaccine Week at
Bishop TD Jakes’ The Potter’s House.

The HHS Partnership Center also developed two new resources to support the efforts of community and faith-based organizations to fight flu this flu season. Faith and community leaders and members are critical partners in flu prevention. As trusted leaders and messengers, you can make sure that everyone in your community knows that an annual flu shot is the best protection against the flu—and that everyone 6 months and older should get vaccinated. The two new resources are:

  • The Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Guide for Community & Faith-based Organizations & Leaders is an accessible, easy-to-read guide written for faith and community-based leaders and organizations. The guide includes basic flu facts, everyday prevention steps, and how leaders can link folks to vaccination;
  • Faith and Communities Fight Flu! is a one-page flyer that highlights five key community flu fighting steps. It can be posted on community announcement boards or in a weekly bulletin. We are encouraging faith-based and community leaders to post this flyer throughout the flu season.

And if you are reading this and have not gotten your flu shot yet, the flu vaccine finder on can help you find out where you can get your flu shot in your area!