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15th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Camp Pendleton, CA
Equal Opportunity

The commanding officer has issued the following statement on equal opportunity:

For more than 235 years, young men and women have sought the title of Marine. Throughout this long history, Marines have a well earned reputation for taking care of their own. Parents have put the lives and well being of their sons and daughters in the hands of our Corps, and we have a fundamental responsibility to take care of them. Our Marines and Sailors deserve nothing less.

All Marines and Sailors in the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit will receive fair and equal treatment, without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, or national origin. Discrimination, to include sexual harassment and hazing, has no place in the 15th MEU. My message on this subject is clear: Discrimination is fundamentally inconsistent with our core values of honor, courage, and commitment. Discrimination in any form is an impediment to mission success. Discrimination will not be tolerated.

All Marines, Sailors and their families will be treated with the utmost dignity, respect, and fairness. If any member of the 15th MEU feel they have been discriminated against, complaints may be made to the Commanding Officer via the chain of command, or directly to the Equal Opportunity Representative (EOR). I encourage the use of the Informal Resolution System (IRS) as a means of resolving issues at the lowest possible level. If the IRS does not resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the complainant, the preferred method for filing a formal complaint is Request Mast. The command will focus quick attention to the matter, holding all leaders accountable. All complaints, formal or informal, will be expeditiously and thoroughly investigated and will be appropriately resolved without fear of reprisal. I expect every leader the 15th MEU to take prompt and vigorous action where and when deviations from this obligation are discovered. All violations to this policy, to include false complaints, will be subject to disciplinary action.

Denying fair and equal treatment to our Marines and sailors undermines our warfighting capability, and degrades our ability to perform to our maximum potential. Enforcement of this policy is the responsibility of all 15th MEU personnel and I charge every member of this MEU to report any violations of this policy. Leaders at all levels must set the proper example. All personnel subject to this policy will be held accountable for their conduct.

The Equal Opportunity Representative (EOR) for this command is Captain J. M. Mills at 760-725-5766, in building 210821. For our civilian employees, the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Human Resources Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist is Madu Panchadsaram. She is located in the 22 Area, building 2265, and can be reached at (760) 725-4301.

Col. Scott D. Campbell
15th Marine Expeditionary Unit
Commanding Officer