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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Small Business Programs (LK) Frequesntly Asked Questions
Q. Does the USMC Headquarters contracting office award contracts?

A: No. USMC Contracts are awarded by our field organizations. The Small Business Specialists located at each field activity are your most useful point of contact. See the list provided under “POC” at this website.

Q. How can I identify current USMC procurement opportunities?

A: USMC procurement opportunities in excess of $25,000 are electronically advertised on the Federal Business Opportunities website at and on the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website at

In addition, Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) posts solicitations at under “Business Opportunities”.

Q: How do I identify subcontracting opportunities?

A: The “Department of Defense Subcontracting Directory” is posted at All major DoD contractors are listed by state along with point of contact information (the Small Business Liaison Officer or “SBLO”).

The Small Business Administration SUB-Net website is also a valuable source for obtaining information on subcontracting opportunities. Solicitations or other notices are posted by prime contractors, subcontractors, Federal agencies, state and local Governments, non-profit organizations, colleges and universities, and even foreign Governments. Small businesses may also post teaming partner opportunities.

Q: How do I identify projected contractual requirements?

A: Department of Navy posts Long Range Acquisition Estimates (LRAE) at The currently posted information provides forecasted requirements over $100,000 for Fiscal Years 2003-2007. The procurement information provided in the LRAE is based on the best information available from the contributing Navy and Marine Corps buying offices at the time the data is collected and is subject to change. This website and information is not available at this time.

Q: Does the Marine Corps participate in the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program?

A: Yes. The Marine Corps SBIR Program Manager is Paul Lambert, Beginning October 2002, all DoD SBIR/STTR solicitations are available in electronic format ONLY at

Q: How do I register my PRONET Profile?

A: As of January 1, 2004, Central Contractor Registration (CCR) and SBA’s PRO-Net databases were integrated. This eliminated the need to register separately in both databases. A vendor need only input business information in one database (, which will then automatically populate the SBA database. If you have selected "Small Business" as a CCR Business Type and are applying for SBA certification as a Small Business, HUBZone, 8(a) Business Development Programs, or Small Disadvantaged Business, you must complete the small business supplemental page within CCR. Small Business MUST be checked when HUBZone, 8(a) Business Development Programs, or small disadvantaged business are selected. Follow instructions within the CCR website to update/renew your registration.
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