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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Logistics Plans, Policies, Strategic Mobility Division (LP) Points of Contact
Logistics plans, Policies, Strategic Mobility Division (LP)
COM: (703) 695-XXXX / DSN: 225-XXXX
 Title  /  Phone Number
 Director  (703) 695-5434
 Deputy Director  (703) 695-5434
 Operations Officer  (703) 695-5434
 Executive Administrative Assistant  (703) 695-5434
 Logistics Management Specialist  (703) 695-5434
 Program Coordinator  (703) 695-5434
 Administrative Assistant  (703) 695-5434 
Life Cycle Management Branch (LPC)
COM: (703) 695-XXXX / DSN: 225-XXXX
 Title  /  Phone Number
 Branch Head  (703) 695-8900 Ext. 2441
 Deputy Branch Head  (703) 695-8900
 Administrative Support Technician  (703) 695-8900 Ext. 2459
 Operations Officer  (703) 695-8900
 Logistics Management Specialist (Enterprise-TLCM)  (703) 695-9095
 Special Projects Officer  (703) 695-8934
 Logistics Management Specialist (Acq Lead)  (703) 695-9095  
Logistics Distribution Policy Branch (LPD)
COM: (703) 695-XXXX / DSN: 225-XXXX
Fax: (703) 695-6099
 Title  /  Phone Number
 Branch Head  (703) 695-7851/7930/8129
 Deputy Branch Head  (703) 695-7930/7851/8129
 Admin Support Specialist  (703) 695-6099/7762/7765
 Section Head & MOS 3102/3112 OccFld Sponsor  (703) 695-6099/7930/8128
 MOS 3112 OccFld Sponsor  (703) 695-7762/7765/8072
 OccFld Formal Schools Manager  (703) 695-7762/7765/8072  
Engineer Advocacy Center (LPE)
COM: (703) 695-XXXX / DSN: 225-XXXX
 Title  /  Phone Number
 Acting Center  (703) 695-9969
 Engineer Capability Officer  (703) 695-9022
 Asst OccFld Sponsor  (703) 695-9022
 Program Coordinator  (703) 695-9022
 EOD Action Officer  (703) 695-9022
 Engineer Chief  (703) 695-9022
 Assistant OccFld Sponsor  (703) 695-9022
 Engineer OccFld Sponsor  (703) 695-9022
 LPE SharePoint Access  (703) 695-9022 

Logistics Plans and Operations Branch (LPO)
COM: (703) 695-XXXX / DSN: 225-XXXX
 Title  /  Phone Number
 Branch Head  (703) 695-8889
 Deputy Branch Head  (703) 695-8873
 Admin Support Specialist  (703) 695-8887  
Logistics Vision and Strategy Center (LPV)
COM: (703) 695-XXXX / DSN: 225-XXXX
 Title  /  Phone Number
 Head Logistics, Vision & Strategy Center  (703) 695-6101
 Deputy Head Logistics, Vision & Strategy Center  (703) 695-6101
 Operations and Budget Officer  (703) 614-1801
 Secretary O/A  (703) 695-6103
 LogMod/Data Assurance Teams Coordinator  (703) 432-8239 
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