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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Logistics Vision & Strategy Branch (LPV)
The mission of this Branch is to develop Marine Corps Logistics Vision and Strategy. The Center typically looks outward five plus years into the future in order to ensure that new and innovative logistics trends are examined for future applicability. The goal is to provide a strategic framework and overarching direction for logistics activities and programs. The Center is the LP's link to the commercial world, outside Agencies, benchmarking, Joint Visions & Initiatives.
Probable areas for review by this team include, but are not limited to:
  • Overall future Marine Corps Logistics Policy
  • Coordinates Logistics concepts with those of other advocates
  • USMC Logistics Campaign Plan
  • DoD Strategic Logistics Plan
  • DoD Focused Logistics
  • DC, I&L's CSSE advocacy role
  • Force Structure Planning Group (FSPG) recommendations
  • Future Logistics manpower and structure (OCCFIELD issues)
  • Future Logistics Modernization Plans and the Integrated Logistics Capabilities (ILC) concepts
  • Maritime Prepositioned Force
  • OMFTS and its Sea Base logistics concept
  • Operational CSS Architecture
Organizational Chart

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