Code Of Conduct


In cooperation with Microsoft, NASA/JPL-Caltech encourages a spirit of community, where individuals from around the world can contribute to the common human endeavor that space exploration represents, and, in the process, build their own knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Your commitment to this code of content helps create a positive experience for all of the Site’s users.

This site may offer opportunities for members who sign up to “Be A Martian" to enhance their own learning and make contributions by asking questions, offering mentorship in the form of suggestions to the community at large etc. Leveraging Microsoft technologies, NASA/JPL-Caltech will implement ways of allowing public participation, while monitoring and approving content that can be seen by all (providing “Communications Services"). Still, your integrity is required.

The code of conduct will apply to all social media areas on the site and connected with it (all bulletin board services, chat areas, news groups, forums, communities, personal web pages, calendars, photo albums, file cabinets or other communications facilities). Note that external sites (e.g., Twitter, Facebook etc.) may have additional guidelines that govern your use, so please be sure to review them in addition to this “Be A Martian" Code of Conduct.

NASA/JPL-Caltech is not responsible for any user-created content or other user activities through the Communications Services offered.


NASA/JPL-Caltech reserves the right to amend the Code of Conduct at any time and without notice.

All activity on this Site is also governed by the Site’s Terms of Use.


Please treat all fellow participants with mutual respect. Do not use the Communications Services to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse other participants. By participating in a given area of the Site, you agree to be bound by the rules of that area. Leveraging Microsoft technologies and services, NASA/JPL-Caltech reserves the right, at any time and without notice:

to remove posts that advocate or encourage expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity;

to remove posts that advertise or endorse a person, product, or service;

to remove posts that are deemed inappropriate, offensive, or that violate the guidelines of this Code of Conduct;

to halt and remove disruptive activity online, such as persistent off-topic comments and postings or statements that incite others to violate this Code of Conduct or participate in illegal activities;

to halt and remove “spam," which includes sending identical and irrelevant submissions that may have nothing to do with the particular topic or interest of the community, as well as misrepresenting the source of anything you say or post;

to halt and remove the posting of destructive features, use of computer programs that contain such features, or access to any content that contains destructive features such as: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or bots for the use of scrolling, showing multiple screens and other activities that can be disruptive to online communication;

to eject or ban any user who behaves in a manner deemed inappropriate, offensive, or who violates guidelines or this Code of Conduct;


NASA/JPL-Caltech does not allow any illegal activities.

Do not use the Communications Services to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or other unlawful material or information, specifically, but not limited to, child pornography, bestiality, or incest. Also, you may not use the Communications Services for communications related to illegal drugs.

Do not use any of the Communications Services for the purpose of linking to external sites that violate this Code of Conduct.

Do not upload files or post messages that contain photos, music, software, or other material protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents. NASA/JPL-Caltech and Microsoft are not responsible for any use of anything you say or post.

Do not post any materials (including software and other information) that could harm (or is designed to harm) other users’ computers or would allow others to access inappropriately software or Web sites.

Do not falsely impersonate a NASA/JPL-Caltech or Microsoft employee, agent, manager, host, or any other person with the intent to mislead or cause harm to others is forbidden.


You are responsible and liable for all of your activities while participating in any Communications Services. You are responsible for:

anything you say or post;

protecting your own computer system through virus protection programs or other means;

creating backups of materials you post to any Communication Services such as photos or documents;

any actions you may take based on information you receive online (e.g., linking to any external websites suggested by users), including the decision to conduct transactions with anyone; and,

upholding the Code of Conduct.

Note that NASA/JPL-Caltech is not responsible for:

loss of, access to, or deletion or alteration of ,any content included on the Site through Communications Services;

content on any linked websites outside of the Site or the domain; and.

sending users a warning before deleting any content.


Please be aware of Caltech-JPL’s Privacy Policy. In addition, we recommend that you do not give out personally identifiable information (e.g., social security numbers, credit card numbers, names and addresses, telephone numbers, driver license numbers) to strangers online, as they may be used for illegal or harmful purposes.

Thanks for following this Code of Conduct and joining the “Be A Martian" online community!