
Industry Council

Chairman: John Gaertner, Technical Executive, EPRI

The mission of the Industry Council (IC) is to ensure that CASL solutions are “used and useful”, and that CASL provides effective leadership advancing the Modeling and Simulation state-of-the art in the nuclear industry.

Specific objectives of the Industry Council are:

  • Early, continuous, and frequent interface and engagement of end-users and technology providers
  • Critical review of CASL plans and products
  • Optimum deployment and applications of periodic VERA releases
  • Identification of strategic collaborations between industry and CASL Focus Areas

The CASL Project benefits from advice on expected virtual reactor (VERA) capabilities, validation and test plans, quality assurance plans, priorities and schedules, rollout and commercialization strategies, and computer requirements.

IC members benefit by influencing the VERA product and its development process to be compatible with expected applications. They can also prepare their business and technical processes to make use of VERA products.

Finally, both CASL and end-users can identify opportunities for validation, pilot studies, early applications, and other beneficial collaborations.

A CASL team member chairs the Industry Council. Membership is drawn from prospective technology-providers and end-users of CASL products. Members represent fuel vendors, design engineering companies, engineering service providers, computer technology companies, and owner/operators of nuclear plants. DOE and the CASL Board of Directors (BOD) have ex-officio members. A list of current members and other contacts are included in the Industry Council Resources on this website.

As a practical matter, the IC does not intend to include members from all potential stakeholders, but rather to represent a cross-section of them. New members are added from time to time to address changing needs of the Council. Selection of members and the scope of activities are coordinated with the CASL Senior Leadership (SLT) and the Board of Directors (BOD). Industry Council meetings have been conducted twice annually with intervening webcast as needed. Detailed meeting minutes, presentation materials from all previous meetings, and information about future meetings are included in the Industry Council Resources on this website. The IC members are encouraged to make recommendations, consistent with the IC mission and objectives above, regarding ongoing CASL activities:

  • IC-sponsored projects and VERA applications
  • plans related to technology transfer and VERA software rollout to industry
  • future CASL work scope

Recommendations that have strong IC member support that can be accommodated by the CASL project are elevated to Action Items by the CASL staff and tracked to resolution. Recent significant activities of the Industry Council through this process include:

  • Critically reviewed VERA Requirements Document and subsequent revisions
  • Defined industry “Analysis Workflow” for VERA compatibility
  • Enhanced Website Tech Transfer and information access
  • Identified new utility and SMR members

Ongoing and planned IC activities are included in the Industry Council Resources on this website. Also included are extensive references to CASL-related publications and to CASL documents requested by the Industry Council or deemed necessary for Industry Council activities.