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America's Coastlines

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Rockbound, fog-bound, snow-capped islands of the Aleutian chain. Home to sea-otters, sea-lions, and the killer whale. Located near some of the world's richest fishing grounds and of the Aleutian Low, the birthplace of North Pacific storms. Home to mighty volcanoes, fumaroles, and earthquakes, the genesis of tsunamis. Verdant green in the summer, if you're lucky enough to be there on a clear day. The Aleutians, a harsh, dangerous, starkly beautiful island chain - not for the faint of heart...


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America's Coastlines Albums ~ Aleutians

vintage photo of men working near river

mountain scene
West to East

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
NOAA Central Library

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Last Updated:
September 30, 2009