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Department of Treasury
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network


Issued: June 30, 2010
Subject: Casino or Card Club Risk-Based Compliance Indicators

This document describes factors that a casino or card club may need to consider in applying a risk-based approach to the development and implementation of a Bank Secrecy Act ("BSA") compliance program. The BSA requires casinos and card clubs to develop and implement compliance programs tailored to business activities and customer risk profiles (e.g., type of products and services offered, the locations served, and the nature of their customers). Please note that the business/customer risk factors described below will not apply equally to all casinos and card clubs, and even when these factors are present, there may be different risk outcomes for different casinos and card clubs. A casino or card club may not be required to address each of the factors described below; also a casino or card club should not construe the risk indicators below as exhaustive and the only ones required to be addressed.

I. General Business Risk Indicators

There are many risk indicators or factors that a casino or card club may need to consider when developing and implementing an effective BSA compliance program to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Risk factors may differ depending on the business activities of a specific gambling establishment, or its products and services, as well as state, tribal or local gambling regulations that affect the gaming operation. Also, a casino or card club may need to consider the risk management principles that it applies in its operational areas when assessing and managing its BSA risk profile.

A casino or card club may need to consider, as appropriate, the following factors when developing and implementing risk-based policies, procedures, internal controls and systems to comply with the BSA:

II. Customer Risk Indicators

Although any type of customer activity is potentially vulnerable to money laundering or terrorist financing, certain customers may pose specific risks. In assessing customer risk, casinos and card clubs may need to consider other variables, such as services sought, products used, and geographical locations. For example, a casino or card club may need to consider the following:

Once a casino or card club has identified the specific risk factors unique to its operation, it should conduct a more detailed analysis of its level of vulnerability. The level and sophistication of the analysis may depend on the comprehensiveness of a casino or card club's risk assessment process or the risk factors that apply. Also, the results may differ according to its business risk model and governmental gambling regulations. By understanding its risk profile, a casino or card club can apply appropriate risk management processes to its BSA compliance program to identify and mitigate its operational risk.

In conclusion, an effective BSA compliance program must reflect potential money laundering and terrorist financing risks arising from a casino's or card club's products, services, customer base, and geographical location. Casinos or card clubs may need to update their risk indicators to reflect changes in operational risk profiles (e.g., revised products and services, new products and services, changes with regard to opening and closing accounts or closer monitoring of accounts, new categories of accounts, or changes resulting from acquisitions or mergers). It is a sound practice for a casino or card club to periodically review its risk indicators or factors to assure sufficiency and effectiveness.

For questions about this guidance, please contact FinCEN's Regulatory Helpline at (800) 949-2732.

* * * * *

For additional guidance, see Casino or Card Club Compliance Program Assessment, FIN-2010-G003 (June 30, 2010) and Frequently Asked Questions - Casino Recordkeeping, Reporting and Compliance Program Requirements, FIN-2007-G005 (November 14, 2007) and FIN-2009-G004 (September 30, 2009). Other reference material includes Suspicious Activity Report Filings Within the Casino and Card Club Industries, The SAR Activity Review, Trends, Tips and Issues, Issue 8 (April 2005) and FinCEN SAR Bulletin, Issue 2: Suspicious Activities Reported by Casinos (August 2000).

1 Locations designated as HIFCAs enable a concentration of law enforcement efforts at the federal, state, and local governmental levels. For a listing, see
2 Locations designated as HIDTAs are provided additional Federal government resources to help eliminate or reduce drug trafficking and its destructive consequences. For a listing, see the Office of National Drug Control Policy's website at
3 FATF is an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of policies, at both the national and international levels, to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. See
4 See
5 See
6 See
