Tag Archives: China

VOA Rejects Chinese Allegations on Tibet Self-Immolations

Screen shots of VOA China Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Voice of America Director David Ensor has categorically denied allegations contained in a Chinese state television report, which blames VOA broadcasts for encouraging self-immolations in Tibet. “That is totally false,” Ensor said at the VOA headquarters in Washington Wednesday. “We do report Read more »

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Chinese Dissident Chen Guangcheng Appears on VOA

Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng (right) is interviewed by VOA's Huchen Zhang

Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng appeared on VOA last Thursday and told interviewers that the Chinese government had lost its legitimacy and failed to honor commitments he says it made to not punish family members accused of helping him to escape house arrest last year. The Read more »

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Radio Free Asia President Responds to Reporters Without Borders’ Press Freedom Index

China Media Censorship

Washington, D.C. – In response to the release of Reporters Without Borders’ 2013 World Press Freedom Index, Radio Free Asia’s President Libby Liu said the survey’s findings show little signs of improvement in Asia with the exception of Burma. “Once again, North Korea, China, Vietnam, Read more »

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VOA Chinese TV Goes on New Satellite


Good news for Voice of America fans in China.  VOA TV programs in Chinese, Tibetan and English can now be watched on two direct-to-home satellites. The VOA programs were added this month to the lineup on Telstar 18, also known as ApStar5, which broadcasts on Read more »

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VOA Revamps Chinese TV Program

Daphne Dung-Ning Fan on the set of 'VOA Weishi'

Chinese TV viewers now have two hours of fast-paced news and information available every day, with the launch of the new Mandarin language television program, VOA Weishi , or VOA Satellite TV. The daily program goes beyond the latest headlines with live reports from VOA Read more »

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Radio Free Asia Wins Top Environmental Journalism Prize


Washington D.C. — Radio Free Asia’s multimedia investigative series exposing the extreme pollution of China’s Dong River was named today as a first-place winner by the Society of Environmental Journalists for its 2011-2012 Awards for Reporting on the Environment. “Disappearing River,” produced by RFA’s Cantonese Read more »

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Dalai Lama Discusses BBG and Tibet with Meehan, Liu


Chicago — In a meeting today with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors and the president of Radio Free Asia discussed the BBG’s plan to strengthen U.S. international broadcasting through the Voice of America’s Tibetan service and RFA. “We Read more »

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Xinjiang reporters detained; Beijing commentator missing

Police in Xinjiang detained reporter Heidi Siu, a reporter for Radio Free Asia’s Cantonese language service, for two days before deporting her to Hong Kong on Sunday, according to Dan Southerland, a RFA senior editor. Siu, a Canadian citizen whose Chinese name is Siu Chun Yee, was Read more »

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VOA’s ‘OMG! Meiyu’ Hits iTunes Store


Washington, D.C. — OMG! Meiyu, Voice of America’s trendy Chinese-English video blog, is attracting new fans at the iTunes store, where Jessica Beinecke’s popular teaching segments are now available for free as podcasts. Millions of people in China and elsewhere have come to love Jessica’s Read more »

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An RFA Exclusive With Yu Jie


In an exclusive interview with RFA, exiled Chinese author and rights activist Yu Jie vows to continue his struggle for freedom in China, where he says he was tortured and deprived of the freedom to write and practice his religion. “My decision to leave China Read more »

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  • BBG Blogs

    BBG Blogs from IBB Director Dick Lobo, VOA Director David Ensor, and more.
  • Alhurra correspondent Bashar Fahmi has been missing in Syria for 5 months 28 days. Learn More