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Simple Search Form Help

You can use the Simple Search Form to retrieve records from the Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD). Just fill out the form and click the Search button. The system will then display a Summary list of all the records that met your search criteria.

[Note: a common search problem is to over specify the search, resulting in zero records meeting the search criteria. Keep your search terms to a minimum.]

Search Values

The search value is the value that you want each record's field data compared against.

You do not need to enclose your search values within any special characters (such as double quotes). The search is not case-sensitive and values may occur in any order in the field or search value box.

Valid Criteria

The Simple Search looks for your search terms in the following fields:

Field Relationships

  • If you select AND, each record must contain both the values you enter.
  • If you select OR, each record must contain either the values you enter.
  • If you select AND NOT, each record must contain the value you enter in the first search box, but must not contain the value you enter in the second search box.
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