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Fermilab Radiological Control Manual (FRCM)
An important objective at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is to do our research in a manner such that the safety of personnel and the protection of the environment receives the highest consideration while at the same time we pursue excellence in the use of our Laboratory facilities. The procedures and restrictions in this Fermilab Radiological Control Manual have been carefully chosen to attain these goals in the context of the Laboratory's program of Integrated Safety Management.

All Laboratory employees, users, and subcontractor personnel are expected to adhere to our environment, safety and health policies. These general policies are stated in the Fermilab Environment, Safety and Health Manual of which the Fermilab Radiological Control Manual is an important part. Non-cooperation or flagrant disregard of environment, safety and health procedures will be cause for disciplinary action or for denial of the use of Fermilab facilities.

Piermaria Oddone - February 2010
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Click on a chapter below to expand it and show sub-chapters and forms:
ChapterTitleView AsChapter AuthorRevised in DocDB
1Fermilab Radiological Control Program
2Radiological Standards
3Conduct of Radiological Work
4Radioactive Materials
5Radiological Health Support Operations
6Training and Qualification
7Radiological Records
8Accelerator Shielding and Radioactivation
9Special Circumstances
10Radiation Safety Interlock Systems
11Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Control
13Forms List
All Radiological Forms