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MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century

Cross Reference

Division A--Federal-Aid Highways and Highway Safety Construction Programs

Title I--Federal-Aid Highways

Subtitle A--Authorizations and Programs

Subtitle B--Performance Management

Subtitle C--Acceleration of Project Delivery

Subtitle D--Highway Safety

Subtitle E--Miscellaneous

Title II--America Fast Forward Financing Innovation

Division C—Transportation Safety and Surface Transportation Policy

Title II—Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Enhancement Act of 2012

Subtitle H—Safe Highways and Infrastructure Preservation

Division D—Finance

Status of the Highway Trust Fund

Title I—Extension of Highway Trust Fun Expenditure Authority and Related Taxes

  • 40101. Extension of trust fund expenditure authority.
  • 40102. Extension of highway-related taxes.

Title II—Revenue Provisions

  • 40201. Transfer from Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund to Highway Trust Fund
  • 40251. Additional transfers to Highway Trust Fund

Division E --Research and Education

  • 50001. Short Title

Title I --Funding

Title II --Research, Technology, and Education

Title III --Intelligent Transportation Systems Research

  • 53001. Use of funds for ITS activities.
  • 53002. Goals and purposes.
  • 53003. General authorities and requirements.
  • 53004. Research and development.
  • 53005. National architecture and standards.
  • 53006. Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications systems deployment.