
Operating Missions

Chandra Chandra X-ray Observatory
Launch date: 23 July 1999

The Chandra X-ray Observatory, a NASA Great Observatory, provides the most detailed view to date of the X-ray universe. With its exquisite imaging capabilities and high spectral resolution scientists have investigated phenomena as diverse as the spectra of Jupiter's aurora, the effects of dark energy on the growth of galaxy clusters, and the properties of faint x-ray sources in deep fields.

Fermi Fermi
Launch date: 11 June 2008

The Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope (formerly GLAST) is providing our deepest and most detailed map of the gamma-ray sky. Fermi has recorded high-energy gamma rays produced by supernovae, pulsars, extreme flows of energy from systems powered by black holes, and gamma-ray bursts.

Planck Planck
Launch date: 14 May 2009

Planck Surveyor is an ESA-led mission that is making a precise, full-sky map of the Big Bang's cosmic microwave background (CMB). By measuring minute fluctuations in the CMB temperature and polarization at all angular scales, Planck will stringently test the theory of inflation, and will provide the most accurate information to date on the overall composition, shape, and early expansion history of the universe.

XMM-Newton XMM-Newton
Launch date: 10 Dec 1999

XMM-Newton, the X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission, is the second cornerstone of the ESA Horizon 2000 program. With high collecting area in the x-ray band, XMM provides vital information for studies of fundamental and relativistic processes from neutron stars and active galactic nuclei, the creation and dispersal of the elements in supernovae, the distribution of dark matter in clusters, groups, and elliptical galaxies, and young active stars to constrain models of the early solar system and star forming regions.

Program News

14 Jan 2013
Presentations for PhysPAG January 2013 Meeting added to Agenda items. »  Details
24 Oct 2012
2012 PCOS Program Annual Technology Report (PATR) Released »  [PDF]
27 Sep 2012
Simulations Uncover 'Flashy' Secrets of Merging Black Holes »  Details
29 Aug 2012
Gravitational waves spotted from white-dwarf pair »  Details
28 Aug 2012
Confirmed Emission of Gravitational Waves: Astronomers Test Einstein in a New Regime Using Pair of Burnt-Out Stars »  Details

Project News

Chandra News
7 Jan 2013
New Chandra Movie Features Neutron Star Action » Details
Fermi News
7 Jan 2013
Galaxy's Gamma-Ray Flares Erupted Far From its Black Hole » Details
Planck News
20 Nov 2012
Planck spots hot gas bridging galaxy cluster pair
» Details
XMM-Newton News
5 Feb 2013
Massive Stellar Winds Are Made of Tiny Pieces » Details

Related News

7 Jan 2013
NASA's NuSTAR Catches Black Holes in Galaxy Web » Details
Suzaku News
3 July 2012
In McNeil's Nebula, a Young Star Flaunts its X-ray Spots » Details
Swift News
28 Dec 2012
An Image Gallery Gift from NASA's Swift » Details