Goodbye Preliminaries, Hello Finals

By SSG Emily Anderson, WTC Stratcom

The 2011 Warrior Games Army swimming team before their swimming meet preliminaries on Wednesday.

CPL Harrison Ruzicka was told he signed up for the 2011 Warrior Games two months too late, but fate stepped in a month later when another Soldier had to drop out of the competition. Ruzicka, currently assigned to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) Warrior Transition Unit, was given the opportunity to go for gold in the 50-meter men’s freestyle swimming event.

For Ruzicka, the swimming competition adds extra pressure, not because of his injuries, but because every time he dives into the water the memory of his accident flashes into his mind.

Ruzicka, who qualified for the swimming finals, was injured August 7, 2009, when an improvised explosive device (IED) hit his vehicle while he was deployed to Afghanistan. Due to the IED, he was trapped under his vehicle in a river. He eventually lost his right leg and had pins haloed around his left leg to keep the bones intact.

“Training and competing is about 200 percent more mental than physical for me,” said Ruzicka. “I used to dive growing up, but since the accident, it’s been harder.”

“I have to focus on controlling my heart rate before I dive into the water, and I still can’t wear dark goggles when I dive,” he added. “This time last year I was still healing, so I’m just happy to be here.”

CSM Jesus Febo-Colon, the WRAMC Warrior Transition Brigade Command Sergeant Major, has been very supportive of the Army swim team by attending all of the training sessions and the preliminaries where he has Ruzicka and six other Soldiers assigned to the WRAMC Warrior Transition Unit competing in the swimming events.

“It’s a priceless personal experience to see our boys and girls working so hard to prove that there is no misfortune that doesn’t bring some good with it,” Febo-Colon said. “In spite of all their losses, their souls are full of hope; their hearts are overflowing with positive emotions; and there is only one thought going through their minds—I can.”

During the swimming preliminaries, the Army’s team took to the water with an agenda of not letting any other branch excel in this event.

That goal was achieved. After the long training hours and the extra practices to make sure they were ready, the Army’s team had 15 Soldiers qualify for the finals.

SGT Angel Herrera
MSG Rhoden Galloway
SSG Kenny Griffith
SPC Michael Grover
SPC Andy Kingsley
SSG Robert Laux
SSG Stefanie Mason
SPC Evan Marcy
CPT Elizabeth Merwin
SPC Jasmine Perry
SFC Landon Ranker
CPL Harrison Ruzicka
SPC Galen Ryan
SGT Gavin Sibayan
SGT Matthew Sullivan

“I definitely think we are the top dog of today’s events,” Febo-Colon said after the preliminaries were over and the results were announced.

Congratulations to the finalists! Everyone did a great job and I look forward to seeing the team give it their all at the finals.

Warrior Games Athletes Inspire

By BG Darryl Williams, WTC Commander

I’ve had a fantastic time at the Warrior Games. These Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and members of Special Ops inspire everyone at the Olympic Training Center. And they’re all full of pride too.

My favorite event so far was the wheelchair basketball prelim I watched tonight—probably because basketball’s my favorite sport. It’s incredible to watch these athletic men and women, and don’t think it’s a light game just because they’re in wheelchairs. The clock keeps going if they fall out of the chair, and the ref even called a technical foul because one team had too many players on the court. The Army won Wednesday, 49–12, and they’re ready to take on the Marines again in the next round.

And the whole Army team is like this. They’re focused on their abilities and demonstrating how much they can achieve. If they fall off the bike, they get right back up. If they stumble coming off the blocks, they just run faster and harder to make up for it. They don’t shy away from taking on a new sport—we’ve got Soldiers competing in swimming who just learned to swim. All of the Soldier athletes here this week recognize that their physical accomplishments are one part of their total recovery, and that they must bring the same level of discipline to the emotional, spiritual, Family, career, and social aspects of their lives.

Warrior Games demonstrates the resilience of every wounded, ill, and injured servicemember, and each athlete here is a champion, regardless of whether they win medals. I know they’ve inspired me, and they’ll continue to excel throughout the rest of the week.

SGT Regan Won’t Be Stopped By a Coma, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Gunshot Wound

By Vondell Brown, AW2 Advocate Support Branch

Retired SGT David Regan running.

Retired SGT David Regan competed in the 2011 Warrior Games to illustrate that his training means more than competition, it defines his life.

The stride that you see is just a glimpse of AW2 Veteran retired SGT David Regan as he prepared to compete for the gold in the 200-meter and 800-meter run yesterday at the 2011 Warrior Games.

“I came to the Warrior Games last year at the direction of the leadership of my unit and ended up with the bronze medal in the 400-meter run,” said Regan of Portland, OR, who was injured in January 2009 during a route clearing mission outside Sadr City, Iraq.

Regan who was shot twice in his leg, sustained a severe traumatic brain injury, and spent over four months in a coma, still has the intestinal fortitude, personal courage, and espirit-de-corp to compete in this year’s Warrior Games. Regan remembers his first dealings with the public since his accident. He was asked by Impact A Hero, a nonprofit organization, to throw the first pitch at the Cincinnati Red Socks spring training game. Regan explained, “This was the turnaround point in my therapy to recovery.”

I had the privilege of watching Regan train this week at the McKibben Fitness Center, Fort Carson, CO. Regan has a rigorous training program consisting of eating a small healthy breakfast, consisting of lots of fruit and juices, followed by two and a half hours of cardio training and ending with two hours of weight training in the evening.

Regan wants to pursue a degree in physical therapy so that he can give back to wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans by helping them recover from their injuries. He received a scholarship from AW2 Community Support Member Sentinels of Freedom, and will be attending Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN.

Although Regan is greatly inspired by his fellow warriors, he said nothing inspires him more than his two-year-old daughter, Taylor. “I had to compete to show my daughter and my fellow warriors that quitting is not an option.”

Yesterday, I witnessed Regan give his best. With each stride, he took an additional step forward in his journey to challenge himself athletically and in his life. Although, Regan did not place, he gained something greater than a medal. He gained proof that he can apply himself. He gained proof that he can demonstrate to his daughter Taylor, that crossing the finish line in life is all that matters.

AW2 Soldier’s Life After Injury

By SSG Emily Anderson, WTC Stratcom

SSG Marcia Morris-Roberts, an Army Warrior Games swimmer mentally prepares to compete in the 50-meter freestyle swimming event.

As I sit at the pool, listening to the chatter and the cheers of the athletes who are competing in the 2011 Warrior Games swimming events, I start to think if I were in their situation, would I have the courage to do what they are doing? Would I be able to embrace what has happened to me and show that it is not stopping me from accomplishing new goals? Would I be able to inspire and motivate another person by just talking about my injuries and explaining how this has not crushed my spirit, but only made me stronger?

The swimming competitors are coming together to train and hone in and sharpen their skills. While they practice diving into the pool, racing against each other, and working on their swimming techniques, the phrase “There is no such thing as handicapped, we are handi-capable,” is showcased throughout the training sessions. One AW2 Soldier in particular, SSG Marcia Morris-Roberts, uses this as her own personal motto.

Morris-Roberts, who will be competing in the 50-meter freestyle swim event, had a difficult year. In February 2010, when leaving for Smyrna, TN to receive additional training as a supply specialist, the military specialty she had been working in for the past two of her sixteen year career, she had no way of knowing what was in store for her.

While attending her training course, Morris-Roberts began to develop mysterious symptoms. “I was so cold and my fingers and toes were turning purple and causing a terrible pain,” Morris-Roberts said. “At first I thought it was just a symptom of me having lupus. I thought it would get better if I better managed taking my medicine, but it only got worse.”

After the month-long training course was over, Morris-Roberts made the trip back to her home in Georgia. When she went into work the next day, she was still in pain.

“It felt like a pit bull had bit my foot. I finally decided to go to the doctor, to figure out what was going on,” she said. “I knew if I went during my training course the doctors would admit me to the hospital because of my lupus. I would have failed the course because you can’t miss more than eight hours. ”

After several visits with physicians, she learned that it wasn’t her lupus, it was frost-bite and she was suffering the onset of gangrene. Eventually, she had to have her left leg, one toe from her right foot, and her third finger on her right hand amputated.

“The amputation was ultimately my decision,” she said. “I didn’t want them to keep cutting section by section, so I just told them to take the leg.”

Morris-Roberts has not let what happened in the past year keep her from having a positive outlook and looking for the silver lining.

“I appreciate the opportunity to participate and share with others,” Morris-Roberts said. “Even though we are physically challenged, we are still human and can do anything.”

“My goal is to become a motivational speaker. I’ve always wanted to wear a smile on my face,” she added. “Through hard work and perseverance, I want to motivate people.”

“It’s just amazing the things you see people work their way through,” she said. “I really want to assist Soldiers with injuries more serious than mine and help them find their way with the support of their Families.”

Growing up, she was a cheerleader, played softball and basketball. She was also an avid cyclist, and rollerbladed regularly. She also said participating and competing in sports helps her to feel normal. She continues to work out several times a week and maintains a very active lifestyle.

“Adaptive sports are a great tool for the physically challenged and what better way to show our therapists the hard work has paid off,” Morris-Roberts said. “The team building and camaraderie keeps everyone motivated.”

“I’m participating in Warrior Games to challenge and motivate myself and show other amputees that they can do the same and more,” Morris-Roberts explained. “I am inspired to compete in the Warrior Games as a personal challenge.”

Morris-Roberts’ ultimate goals are to continue serving in the Army as a model Soldier and have a positive impact by inspiring others.

“I love the military and take my career seriously. I plan to get better, stay focused, participate in team building events, and be a beacon to light the paths of other Soldiers,” she said. “I’ll be that light that inspires others to be better than they were.”

Editor’s Note: SSG Marcia Morris-Roberts also competed in the shot put sitting field event on Tuesday and earned a silver medal.


“With All Due Respect, Sir… You are Goin’ Down”

By Patricia Sands, WTC Stratcom

The Army wheelchair basketball team scrimmages with members of the WTC cadre.

It was fun to hear the smack go down before the scrimmage between the WTC cadre and the Army wheelchair basketball team. However, after they started playing, the smack was gone on the cadre side. They were too busy keeping the ball and getting the chairs to turn more quickly. To their credit, the cadre gave it their all. They did a great job and played hard. Yet, the difference in the skill level between the two groups was very apparent. The Warrior Games Army team dominated the court and easily made complex plays look very easy. The cadre soon learned that maneuvering the wheelchairs and trying to win at the same time was not easy.

“They are tough. They didn’t cut any slack,” said MSG Rebeca Garo of AW2 Advocate Branch about the Army wheelchair basketball team. “Your hands are your legs, and it is harder than standing basketball. The coordination of moving the wheels and the fast change of direction is hard to coordinate. Then add catching, dribbling, and shooting the ball into the mix, and you realize you are out matched. I am at a complete disadvantage in this wheelchair. They go circles around me.”

Mr. Vondell Brown, a WTC staff member, also agreed. He said that you don’t even see the wheelchairs once the action starts. “You see top athletes coming at you fast. They are very skilled,” he explained. I asked him how he did against them, and if he had any great plays. He walked away smiling and saying, “Excuse me. I am going to get some water now.”

From the Army wheelchair basketball team side, I asked SGT Kinga “KJ” Kiss-Johnson her thoughts about playing the cadre. She said that they did well and it was fun. “MSG James Shiver effectively blocked me a few times,” added Kiss-Johnson. That is quite a feat since she is an awesome player. She said the coordination takes time to learn.

I asked Kiss-Johnson how she began playing basketball. She said it was recommended to her by her occupational therapist. She explained that it was a fun game, but beyond the fun, it helped her get better. Basketball helped her relearn not only physical skills, but it also helped her with her brain injury. “There is a lot of different and complex eye, hand, and body coordination that happens with this game. My brain knows how to play basketball, but getting my body to go where my brain wants it to go, took a lot of time to learn again. Plus, as competitive as Soldiers are, we work hard to gain the skills to win.” There is no denying that she has excelled in this endeavor. It sounds like basketball is just what the doctor ordered… and laughter is the best medicine. It is a great way to relearn skills outside of a therapy session and bond with other Soldiers and Veterans.

Returning from getting his water, Mr. Brown said with certainty, “I should have eaten my Wheaties®. I don’t see any one beating this team.”


The 2011 Warrior Games—Inspiration for all Wounded, Ill, and Injured

By BG Darryl Williams, WTC Commander

WTC Commander BG Darryl Williams (center) and CSM Benjamin Scott, Jr. (right) stand proud with three Army Warrior Games athletes (SGT Robbie Gaupp, CPT Lisa Merwin, and SFC Landon Ranker).

Monday brought the official start of the 2011 Warrior Games.  I had the honor to speak to these outstanding athletes and express how inspirational they are to their fellow wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans. The Warrior Games is an important element of the Army’s Warrior Care and Transition Program, and every one of these athletes who worked hard to be here in Colorado.

The Warrior Games provide an outlet for our Army wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans to demonstrate how they can achieve their physical and mental goals. They are also one of the many ways wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans can apply what they learned on the playing field to the next phase of their journey post-injury, whether they return to the force or move on to civilian life.

The importance of the Warrior Games is monumental for every warrior because they are not only showing each other how competitive and motivated they are, but they are showing the world that an injury or an amputation does not erase their goals and aspirations.

As the Warrior Games continue this week, I’m sure the hard work and determination of each athlete will pay off. Regardless of whether the Army Warrior Games teams win gold or not, I know every athlete will do their best and will give a top-notch performance.

I salute the Army’s Warrior Games athletes, and am proud to say that they exemplify the words—Army Strong!

Battle Buddies

By Patricia Sands, WTC Stratcom

 SGT Delvin Maston and SPC Blake McMinn of the Army Warrior Games 2011

(Left to right) SGT Delvin Maston and SPC Blake McMinn of the Army Warrior Games 2011

The wheelchair basketball players crashed into a pile and a wheelchair turned over with its rider still holding on. With one swift and very strong movement, however, SPC Blake McMinn jumped the wheelchair straight in to the air and got himself and his wheelchair right up again. It came down with such force that he and his wheelchair bounced up in the air. It was a combo of gymnastics and martial arts. In a split second he was barreling down the lane, blocking the ball from another player. It was super human. These powerful Soldiers play one mean game of round ball.

McMinn’s feat also changed what I thought I knew about wheelchairs and the people in them. My Dad was paralyzed from a left-side stroke and it was my great honor to be a big part of his life during his recovery. That said, my Dad was older and frail, while these young athletes are not. They are strong, competitive, and agile. Watch them for a second and you see their ability—not their disability. They take a knock and can give a few out. They are athletes, and as one player said, “We came ready to deliver a whoopin’ to the Marines.”

The two players in the above picture are, right to left, SGT Delvin Maston and SPC Blake McMinn. They are teammates and battle buddies who had similar paths and experiences in their Army careers. For example, they were in the same battalion of 3,500 Soldiers; one was in Bravo Company and the other in Charlie Company. They served in the same place and same time. They were both injured in combat, both had amputations, and both had the same therapist during their recoveries. Yet they had never met. It was through their love of basketball that their paths finally crossed.

Adaptive sports play a big and positive part in these two Soldiers’ recovery. McMinn, for example, plays for coach Doug Garner at the University of Texas/Arlington (UTA). UTA is one of seven colleges in the nation that has a wheelchair basketball team. SPC McMinn has a scholarship from UTA that helps him finance his education. He intends to move forward with his accomplishments and his life. He will tell you that UTA and coach Garner are the best and hopes that this sport will be in all the colleges across the country, even though funding is a critical issue in continuing the sport at UTA.

McMinn’s battle buddy, SGT Maston, thought his days of playing basketball were over when he had his leg amputated. He said he wasn’t out of the hospital two weeks before he was visited by wheelchair basketball players who encouraged him to try. He didn’t want to—but he tried and when he went to shoot, he missed. They gave him a good natured ribbing as only a peer can. They told him not to worry about it. As Maston explained, “They told me I played the same before my injury.” That’s all it took. He kept up with practicing wheelchair basketball and realized that he loved it. He said that Warrior Games wheelchair basketball player SPC Juan Soto came forward to him during that time and played a big part in helping him develop his skills. Maston now plays for the San Antonio Spurs wheelchair basketball team.

One can quickly see how supportive and close these players are with each other—on and off the court. One can also see how sports brings them together, teaches them skills, and gives them confidence. The way that life has woven these players together in the past, only tells me the best is yet to come. They are battle buddies, teammates, and friends for life. For the other wounded, ill, and injured across our nation, they are shining examples of how they can move forward with their challenges and brilliantly succeed.
In conclusion, I am sure that these Soldiers will handle any bumps in the road with stride, and I am equally sure they will take the corners on one wheel.

Swimming Training Boosts Competitor’s Rehabilitation

By SSG Emily Anderson, WTC Stratcom

SSG Stefanie Mason, right, and her fraternal twin sister, Jennifer Mason after swimming practice at the Schlessman Natatorium on the Colorado College campus in Colorado Springs, CO.

SSG Stefanie Mason, an AW2 Soldier, will never forget the date April 20, 2010. This was the day her whole life changed.

While deployed to Kabul with the 354th Civil Brigade as a civil affairs specialist, SSG Mason was involved in a vehicular accident. The vehicle was going 50 mph when it hit a cement wall head-on.

SSG Mason, who was in the passenger seat and wearing her seatbelt, went head first into the windshield. She was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and sustained nine head fractures, a torn muscle behind her eye that still causes double vision, and a shattered tibia. She now has two plates in her right leg.

However, these injuries have not stopped SSG Mason. Thirteen months later, she is walking, something her doctors told her she would not be able to do, and vigorously training to compete in the 50-meter freestyle and 50-meter backstroke swimming events in the 2011 Warrior Games.

“The Warrior Games is very exciting and wonderful experience. It’s a privilege to be here, because not many people get to experience this,” SSG Mason said. “I’m honored to be nominated to represent the Army and look forward to competing in the games.”

“I’ve always been competitive, and before the accident, I was a great runner. I actually ran the Army 10-Miler,” she added. “The Warrior Games has given me a chance to compete competitively again.”

During training week, SSG Mason, along with the other Army swimming competitors, are practicing their freestyle and backstroke styles and learning new techniques to use during the competition.

“It is physically demanding and I’m being pushed to my limits, but I’m hoping to do well in the Warrior Games and be a great inspiration,” SSG Mason said. “The games help us to look further and to achieve something.”

Before training week, SSG Mason was swimming several times a week including one-on-one swimming sessions with the Warrior Games Army swimming coach.

“I gained about 20 pounds while I was injured, so I wanted to see if I could get back into swimming to get in shape since I couldn’t run anymore,” said SSG Mason, who was on the swim team in high school. “The Warrior Games swimming coach saw me swimming and told me about the Warrior Games. I thought it sounded nice, so I tried out and made the Army’s team.”

According to Jennifer Mason, Stefanie’s fraternal twin sister and non-medical caregiver, the Warrior Games has been very beneficial for her

SSG Stefanie Mason, a Warrior Games Army swimmer, practicing her backstroke during a training session on Tuesday.


“I think her training for the Warrior Games has helped her get better. It’s great to see her silly, happy-go-lucky personality again,” Jennifer said. “I think her recovery would have taken a lot longer if she didn’t have this to work toward.”

“Growing up we have always been heavily involved in sports,” Jennifer added. “She knows she has an obstacle to overcome, but she doesn’t think of it that way. She is setting her mind toward something, and focusing non-stop. Stefanie has worked very hard to get where she is today. I’m very proud of her. It’s inspiring to see her and the other Soldiers competing.”

SSG Mason credits swimming for motivating her to push through her injuries. It continues to be an inspiration.

“Swimming has been great for me. It has helped me get better physically and mentally because it challenges me,” SSG Mason said. “It teaches me to be tough regardless of disability and makes me focus on my abilities.”

SSG Mason continues to take it one day at a time. She is determined to do her best and make the most of competing in the Warrior Games.


By Patricia Sands, WTC Stratcom

SSG Peter Torruella of the 2011 Warrior Games Army archery team.

Back in the day, I was an accomplished archer. I still have a bunch of trophies proudly displayed in my TV room. Much to the chagrin of my kids, I will not move them no matter how old I get. Even with the passage of the years, I still remember what it takes to be a good archer. It goes beyond great equipment. It takes perfect posture, strong arms, steady hands, patience, precision timing, and most of all, repetition and practice. Whether it is target practice or hunting, the method is the same. You are trying to hit a small target dead center on an object far away. It takes a lot of coordination to hit the bull’s-eye every time.

One of the first people I met at the Army Warrior Games Training Camp in Colorado Springs was a tall lanky man with a New York accent, SSG Peter Torruella. He could never be accused of being shy. He came over and introduced himself with a hearty hello and said he was on the Army archery team. Me being me, I was very excited to hear his story and asked what led him to take part in the Warrior Games.

SSG Torruella was injured and part of his recovery plan was to learn a new sport. He had just started archery earlier this year and quickly started excelling. Today, he is ranked second among his fellow Warrior Games Army archers. When I responded with the word, “Remarkable” he responded, “I was just following orders.” He was told to hit the bull’s-eye, and he did. He made us all laugh, but it was no joke. He didn’t think he had the option of failing after being in the Army.

I thought about that. I learned to shoot archery as an outdoor recreational interest. Was I ever in danger? Heck no. I just sat quietly in a tree, waiting for luck to walk by me. No one was shooting back, and no one saw if I missed. However, SSG Torruella learned the same skills under pressure and danger. He had to succeed in order to survive in life and death situations.

Listen to a Soldier and your life and challenges will be put in to perspective very quickly. Tourruella told me of his decades in the service and his dedication during many of his deployments. My heart was touched by his long absences from his Family and the “hot dog Thanksgivings” in foreign lands. He quickly dismissed my somber face and said, “The Army is my life. These are the kind of guys I have spent my life with—the finest in the world.” I looked around and saw every age, race, injury, and rank and he continued, “They have everything in common with me. Everything.” His eyes filled with tears as he said with emphasis, “We know.”

He continued, “We are warriors and will do it all again for America to be safe. It is in our blood.”

SSG Torruella’s dedication to the well-being of all servicemembers is clear. For example, he was the inspiration for the formation of the American Troop Support Team organization. His gift of gab has served his battle buddies well. American Troop Support has sent 1,238 boxes of “goods from home” to 780 Soldiers. Like all American Soldiers, Torruella jumps in and makes a difference where he is. He is equally as adamant about Warrior Games. He will tell you the value and worth of the competition to wounded warriors and their healing process. Sports and competition brings out the best in Soldiers. He wants it bigger, better, and hopes more Soldiers will be involved next year.

I asked SSG Torruella what he will do when he leaves the service. He didn’t have an answer, but I am confident of one thing, he will succeed at anything he puts his mind to. Failure is not an option. About that time, his cell phone rang. He answered it and smiled hearing the voice on the other end—his wife calling to say she misses him. He explained to me that he is really good at rocking their seven month old daughter to sleep and that his Family can’t wait for him to come home after he wins his medal.

SSG Torruella has already hit the bull’s-eye of what is important in life. That medal will match his heart of gold.

Army Shooting Team Prepares Mentally and Physically for 2011 Warrior Games

By Jim Wenzel, WTC Stratcom

Warrior Games Army shooter SSG Kory Irish trains at the Whispering Pines Gun Club in Colorado Springs, CO.

The Warrior Games is an annual competition featuring nearly 200 wounded, ill, and injured servicemembers from all branches of service and is less than a week away. Athletes are preparing to compete in several sports including, shooting, swimming, archery, track and field, cycling, sitting volleyball, and wheelchair basketball at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO, on May 16-22.

For the Army’s shooting team, it is time to make the final preparations that may mean the difference in the competition. Part of those preparations includes the active assistance and encouragement of a trio of staff members dedicated to their physical, mental, and technical readiness.

The first member of the trio is the coach, MSG Howard Day. His role is to help the Army shooters acclimate to Colorado’s 6,000 feet of elevation, work with facilities and equipment, and guide them through any last minute shooting issues. The other two staff members are Performance Enhancement Specialist Lindsay Holtz, from the Army Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Performance and Resilience Enhancement Program (CSF-PREP), and Physical Therapist CPT Ritland Bradley from Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

One of the many Army shooters training with these coaches and staff assistants is SSG Kory Irish from the Fort Drum Warrior Transition Unit (WTU). Pictured above, Irish earned a gold medal at the Army Marksmanship Unit’s clinic this past January. Now in Colorado, he begins his training by first participating in mental exercises intended to improve his mental performance. Electrodes are first placed under his ears and are connected to an energy management software program on a computer. The program is designed to measure his heart rate, respiration, and levels of brain activity. By breathing deeply and relaxing mentally, Irish can achieve a “state of coherence” which can help him stay focused. Talking about these techniques and their effectiveness, Irish said, “The focusing drills help clear whatever is going on. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, the techniques work.” He is counting on this type of focus to allow him to take the competition one well-aimed shot at a time.

CSF-PREP focuses on increasing the performance of wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, and their spouses at ten sites located at posts and stations throughout the Army. When asked about the importance of mental preparation in the shooting competition, Holtz remarked, “The mental game is essential—each shot could be the tiebreaker.” When asked how these techniques can apply to other areas in individuals’ lives she added, “Tasks such as goal setting can be difficult to do alone. These techniques can apply to all areas of their lives.”

SSG Irish and his teammates, with the continued assistance of MSG Day, Bradley, and Holtz, plan to bring their best physical, technical, and mental game to the Olympic Training Center range next week. In a competition where the winner could be decided by mere tenths of a point, mental stress can build quickly. As the Army shooting team pulls together and good natured inter-service rivalry starts to warm up, they will need all of their training and techniques to ensure they meet their competition at the peak of their performance.

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