Secure export financing

You know where you want to go, your sales strategy, and how you will ship your products. Another component of your plan to address is whether you need export financing to make your sale happen — either for your own company, or to offer financing terms to your buyer. This section will help you explore financing resources and options at your disposal.

In this section, you will:

  • Determine your financing needs.
  • Understand where to find financing resources.
  • Understand how to apply for financing tools.

Tools & Resources:

  • U.S. Government Export Finance Programs. The small Business Administration handles working capital needs of $1.1 million and below, while the Export-Import Bank handles needs above $1.1 million.
  • Payment Terms. This section provides a list of things to consider when determining the best price for your product overseas.
  • Federal Grant Programs. The federal government offers a number of grant programs to help your company test foreign markets, orient itself in a new market, train U.S. or foreign representatives, and overcome in-country obstacles to trade.
  • Export Credit Insurance. Learn about Loan Guarantees, Export Credit Insurance, and Direct Loans in this section.
  • Getting Paid. In international trade, problems involving bad debts are more easily avoided than rectified after they occur. This section deals with what to do when payment problems occur.
  • Ex-Im Finance Seminars. This section provides a complete list of seminars offered around the country.


  • Do you understand what financing options are available to you?
  • Are you a candidate for Ex-Im or SBA?
  • Do you have a plan for mitigating the risks associated with payment?

Stuck? Speak with a trade specialist at 800-USA-TRADE

Go! Now that you’ve done the preliminary work on your plan, the next step is to refine it. That’s where a Commercial Service trade specialist can help.

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