Weather Information at Quantico

The Quantico weather number is 703-784-3638.

Severe Weather Watch Desktop Procedures

    • Designated message to media: CODE GREEN (Condition Normal): The base is open on time. Employees are expected to report to work on time.
    • Code Green will not be reported to TV/Radio Stations.
    • Definition: The Base is open. The weather conditions are such that there is no impact on operations. Employees are expected to report to work on time. If you hear no announcement at all concerning the Base, you are still expected to be at work on time.
    • Designated message to media: CODE YELLOW (Open With Reasonable Delays): The base is open on time. Reasonable delays for reporting to work are excused. Liberal leave may be authorized.
    • Definition: The Base is open on time. Reasonable delays when reporting to work are excused. Liberal leave may be authorized. This means that the Base is open. Reasonable delays (usually not to exceed 2 hours from the start of the employee's normal duty day) in reporting for work will be excused without loss of payor charge to leave for nonessential or non-emergency personnel who experience delays due to weather conditions. Good judgment will be exercised by supervisors and managers in determining what a reasonable delay is, taking into account the weather conditions in the area from which the employee commutes and the distance the employee commutes. Employees on leave during this code will not be granted excused absence since this announcement is intended to allow added time for those employees who do report for work to do so safely. Supervisors must advise their timekeepers of the amount of time granted to those who were delayed in arrival under this code. Early arrival before normal work hours is not encouraged to allow snow removal teams time to clear roadways and parking lots.
    • Designated message to media: CODE BLUE (Open At Specified Time): The base opens at (a specified time). Liberal leave may be authorized.
    • Definition: The Base opens at a specified time. Liberal leave may be authorized. This means that the Base will not open until the time specified in the announcement. Non-emergency or nonessential personnel are expected to report for duty at the time specified. Employees will be excused from duty without charge to leave or loss of pay until the time set in the announcement. Employees who are on leave for the day will be charged leave only from the time specified for the Base to open. The leave status for employees who are on Leave Without Pay (L WOP), on suspension, on military leave, or who are in a non-pay status both the day before and the day after a day designated as Code Blue with a late opening time, will remain in that same status. Such employees will not be granted excused absences. Usually the conditions are such that those employees capable of arriving sooner are encouraged NOT to do so to allow for the snow removal teams to do their work unhampered by other vehicular traffic and to ensure that parking lots get cleared.
    • Designated message to media: CODE RED (Closed For Non-essential Personnel): Weather conditions are severe and the base is closed for normal operation, only emergency and essential personnel are expected to report to work.
    • Definition: This means that the weather conditions are severe and the Base is closed for normal operations. Only essential and designated emergency personnel are expected to report for duty on time. Non-emergency and nonessential personnel will be excused for the day, without charge to leave. Excused absence, for nonessential and non-emergency personnel, will be granted even if they were already scheduled to be on sick or annual leave for the day. Employees on LWOP, suspension, military leave, or in a non-pay status the day before and the day after the designated Code Red day, are not entitled for excused absence. An employee on a compressed work schedule whose regular day off is the same day that a Code Red is announced is not entitled to an "in lieu of' day off. MCBO 3100.1 provides guidance and policy for "exceptions" and the designation of essential and emergency personnel.