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2008 CSE Colloquia Archive

September 9  

David Schrader, Marquette University
New Chemistry: Compounds that contain positron

September 17

Wallace Broecker, Columbia University
The Worst of Global Warming and What We Can Do to Ameliorate It  

September 30  Mark Jensen, Argonne National Laboratory
Hijacking Proteins with Plutonium
October 9 Richard Palmer, University of Birmingham (UK)
October 14 Craig Taatjes, Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore CA
Uncovering Details of Combustion Chemistry by Using Synchrotron     Photoionization Mass Spectrometry
October 21 Stephen R. Leone, University of California (Berkeley) and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Time for Molecular Dynamics
October 28 A. Welford Castleman, Jr, Pennsylvania State University
November 11 Kelly Gaffney, Stanford University
November 18 Srinivasan S. Iyengar, Indiana University
Molecular Catalysis on Surfaces: Conversions with Metal Complexes and Clusters
December 2  Alain Manceau, CNRS-UJF, (France)
X-ray views of the defect structure and chemistry of environmental
December 9 Norbert Scherer, University of Chicago
December 16  Brian Dempsey, Pennsylvania State University

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September 2009

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