Argonne National Laboratory
Decontamination & Decommissioning
Nuclear Engineering Division at Argonne
Nuclear Engineering is a Division of Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Home > Decommissioning Training Course  > Testimonials

Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities - Training Course

2013-03-05 00:00:00 GMT-05:00 to Baltimore TC (Mar. 2013) | 2013-03-18 00:00:00 GMT-08:00 to LV TC (Mar. 2013) | 2013-05-07 00:00:00 GMT-05:00 to Deep River TC (May 2013)

Previous Attendees said about our Training Course:

"An excellent foundation for understanding the decommissioning process."

"I think it would be hard to improve this course. I was very impressed with the professional team that presented and value the information offered."

"Overall I was very happy with the course and my expectations were exceeded."

"Overall - staff, facilities ..... excellent.  Good learning experience; well presented.  Excellent value for buck."

"Very useful from top to bottom - Good comprehensive overall scope."

"Excellent course overall - good breadth of content."

"I found the course to be excellent."

"Overall - excellent course!"

"I believe the course is a great idea and more interaction of this type is needed between ... sites across the country. The international involvement is also very important."

"Much better prepared to understand the decommissioning process."

"I appreciate the wealth of information and information sources made available. I also appreciate the format of the course being continuous and rigorous in presentation - not a boondoggle."

"Really an exceptional course; I will recommend it."

"Nicely done - we enjoyed the course!"

"Great training."

"This course will help me immensely in organizing my project from A to Z."

"Excellent case studies."

"All instructors were extremely knowledgeable in their areas. I appreciate the experiences shared with us."

"I appreciate the reference reading list and CDs."

"Expertise of the presenters was evident. Thanks for sharing your stories; it really
brings the magnitude of these D&D activities into perspective - overall - excellent course!"

"Overall this was a very good course. I will be using this as a fundamentals course for new (staff) engineers."

"For me this course was very useful because it painted a very good picture of the practical side of decommissioning and made me aware of many facets - such as the need for intense characterization of structures and surroundings, working with stakeholders and regulators from the very beginning, other pitfalls and much more."

"The Reference CD you provided attendees was outstanding and useful!"

"I found the course to be very relevant, interesting, motivating and a source of good contacts for future correspondence on the various topics."

"The reference material provided with the (training) course (material) also provides a valuable tool for further exploration."

"Just wanted to let you know we found the training very helpful and informative. We also enjoyed getting to know you and everyone else from the D&D field."

"The materials you provided will be very useful and I hope you won't mind if we contact you with a question or two from time to time."

"I would recommend the course to anyone else who may be interested in decommissioning."

"Excellent - Speakers were very good - handouts will be useful to us in years to come, CDs as well - all bases were covered by this course."

"... thank you for a very enlightening education on decommissioning."

"Do you believe the course was worth the cost ?" "Absolutely!"

"Great course - lots of good practical examples."

"I really enjoyed the D&D course and thought it was a very worthwhile. Thank you for your efforts in organizing it."

"Very much enjoyed the course."

"Overall, training class was EXCELLENT from the accomodations to lecturers presenting the materials. Good job of tailoring class to fit all types of working environments and regulators."

"All of the instructors were great presenters / interesting course!"

"It was refreshing to attend training where the facilitators were so well versed on the topics. Trades foremen like myself can absorb the material greater when it is delivered by people who have actually performed the work." -feedback from a 2008 TC attendee

"The training was excellent and the information priceless." -feedback from a 2008 TC attendee

"Course was great, the guys had great knowledge (of the course material)." -feedback from a 2008 TC attendee

"Good course - well thought out and complete coverage of subject." -feedback from a 2008 TC attendee

"I was very favorably impressed by the training and the instructors; it was definitely time well spent. Thanks for doing what you do." -feedback from a 2008 TC attendee

"I enjoyed the course, learnt a lot, made some interesting contacts and would recommend the course to other colleagues. The visit to the NTS was an added bonus and to see the extent of, land remediation, decommissioning, and LLW management." -feedback from a 2008 TC attendee

"I really enjoyed the class and I think other will also." -feedback from a 2008 TC attendee

"I definitely recommend this class to Acquisition Personnel involved with the procurement and contract management of D&D projects." -feedback from a 2008 TC attendee

"Thanks for a very nice training course, it was very educational for me." -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee

"Thank you for organizing the training course for us. I personally found this event a splendid and absolutely useful occasion to learn a lot about decommissioning. Moreover, it was really beneficial to making new contacts with people who has similar problems and thoughts. This training course was the best event among those I participated in the past, so again: thank you for organizing it! " -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee

"I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the whole staff of the training (course) and the lecturers for a week of great experience of learning and sharing! " -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee (international participant)

"It was a great experience in attending your 1-week training course! It could be one of the best training courses i had ever attended. Very well organized vis-s-vis the time, the facilities, the learning materials, etc. ! Everything was perfect! Congratulations to the whole staff for the job very well done! " -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee (international participant)

"Thank you very much for the D&D course earlier this month in Las Vegas. …. I really appreciate the help on this subject from you and the other instructors. The significant effort put into the course and experience brought to the course by all the course staff was very evident, and made it a very valuable learning experience for me!" -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee

"Overall very well done." -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee

"Especially useful to those new to D&D." -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee

"Overall – good course – learned a lot." -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee

"Thanks once again for the opportunity to be part of the Training Course at Argonne. It was one of the best organized and managed courses I have attended. The concept of the course was brilliant and was very work related for me." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"I really enjoyed the D&D course and thought it was a very worthwhile. Thank you for your efforts in organizing it." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"This course was an excellent comprehensive overview of facility decommissioning." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"The hotel was great - nice rooms, plenty of amenities, easy parking, but not too big or intimidating to be comfortable. Reasonable pricing, very accomodating staff -- excellent." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"I would recommend this course to anyone else who may be interested in decommissioning. Excellent course. Thank you for your hard work." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"This was a very good training course and all the Lectures were of very good quality." -feedback from a 2009 TC attendee

"Can I first thank you and the team for a good three days of training and knowledge transfer, the historical projects was very useful to me and I will be looking into the JANUS project in some more detail as I believe it may have relevance to where we will be going…" -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"I found the pictures and videos and stories to be very interesting. There was lot of information in each topic – there was almost too much information sometimes – all in a great course." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"The information in the course was information that I wish I had had in 1997…(when doing an earlier project)… Very knowledgeable subject matter experts. Some excellent presentation skills displayed by speakers." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"Overall this was a great course. I learned a lot about decommissioning that I will be able to apply to my current job in Waste Management." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"Instructors were very knowledgeable." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"The course is excellent!" -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"Great course... Well organized and planned." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"Thanks once again for the opportunity to be part of the Training Course at Argonne. It was one of the best organized and managed courses I have attended. The concept of the course was brilliant and was very work related for me. I did gain a lot decommissioning experience that can be applied to decommissioning projects here at our site." -feedback from a 2010 TC attendee

"This is an excellent course, thanks to all your efforts." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"Thanks for a very good course." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"Good course overall - nice to make new contacts." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"Thanks Larry; you run a class act." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"Instructors were excellent - much knowledge." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"Really enjoyed the case studies, pictures & JANUS video. The (supplemental reading material) information available at the side tables was very valuable and appreciated." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"The mix of good presenters for this course exceeds other (courses) I’ve been a part of over the years. That includes: good presentation skills, expertise from boots on the ground experience and the ability to communicate for real knowledge transfer – you practice what you preach." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"Great course." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"Excellent course." -feedback from a November 2011 TC attendee

"I certainly found the course very interesting, relevant and helpful… thanks again for the excellent training." -feedback from a 2011 TC attendee

"This course was well presented and informative." -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"Thanks — I enjoyed the whole process." -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"Your program is very good." -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"Thanks for an excellent course." -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"This is an interesting and unique course put together by ANL. There is a lot of information and most of all the knowledge and experiences of the USA in doing this work. Excellent source of information and the presenters are seasoned professionals in their areas. Overall, this is an excellent course and value for the money." -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"Course was very well organized." -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"Thanks for the great class!" -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"Very well taught….good quality instruction." -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"Please share with the training instructors that they did a great job! Lots of valuable information was provided and will definitely help us in future projects" -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

"I really enjoyed the case history descriptions, videos, photos, etc…" -feedback from a 2012 TC attendee

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TC News

(Feb. 4, 2013) Engaging America's experts: Argonne's program to support the IAEA
The lab's International Programs helps researchers from abroad and makes U.S. expertise available to the International Atomic Energy Agency. More...

(Jan. 31, 2013) Registration for May 2013 TC in Deep River (Canada) OPEN!
Online registration for the May 2013 TC Session in Deep River, Ontario, Canada is now OPEN. More...

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Contact person

Lawrence E. Boing
Director, Decommissioning TC
D&D Program
Argonne National Laboratory
Building 208 - G112
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439-4814, USA
Phone:   +1 630-252-6729
Fax:   +1 630-252-7577

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ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, Decontamination & Decommissioning
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on January 9, 2013 6:04 PM