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TInet Customer Comments - Intended uses of TInews and Information

The following is a partial list of the latest comments provided by TInews subscribers. It gives a good idea of how TI's customers intend to use the web site and tourism data.

As you will see, TInet users have a wide spectrum of interests. From marketing to research and professional to educational purposes our customers intend to use the TI web site for a wide variety of reasons.

Please note that company-specific names have been edited from the original version.

  • Strategic planning

  • Planning to promote tourism to Colorado by Japanese using the Internet

  • To understand the profile and travel patterns of U.S. travelers

  • To help us plan our international marketing projects for tourism development to southern California.

  • Statistical analysis of tourism trends will assist us in designing tourism web site, which meet the needs of travelers to the US.

  • For tourism development

  • Academic research

  • I am enrolled in a Masters of Tourism Administration. I plan to use this information as part of my general studies.

  • Share with others in cultural tourism coalition

  • Market research

  • Our firm represents a US international airline. We make use of the information listed in the above categories when drafting persuasive arguments in legal, legislative, and administrative related documents.

  • This data will be used for research studies for my MBA degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management.

  • Culture tourism and development

  • As material for my International Travel and Tourism Classes, I am a Professor

  • To assess the volume, characteristics and economic impact of international travel, as part of the state overall economic development program.

  • To improve my knowledge of tourism

  • Marketing

  • Statistical reporting for major travel industry association.

  • Hotel demand analysis, occupancy and rate forecasting.

  • To keep current with the travel industry for my own personal knowledge.

  • Help determine marketing and sales approach

  • Economic studies for California and our county

  • Strategic plan to promote Cancun and the Coast in the US

  • Research for international publications about tourism industry.

  • Planning tours

  • Work with state tourism office

  • Opportunities to sell international travel research services

  • I am the International Salesperson and I would like to learn more about the International traveler.

  • Incorporate it into tourism classes I teach. Also for research.

  • Planning tourism to the United States

  • To gain timely understanding of international trends and issues that may affect tourism in the U.S./California.

  • To decide on new locations for our brochure in the UK

  • Keep up to date on travel and tourism issues for implications on the lodging industry

  • Research for resort tourism program

  • I do a quarterly travel and tourism industry forecast for my company that is used for internal reports

  • Editorial and marketing development for organizations & publications that we represent.

  • For analyzing the international market

  • We are planning to study demand of passenger's from/to USA and how it is linked to our policy.

  • I am doing research on small farm tourism for myself. Also, I am doing various tourism-related research for a professor.

  • Employment research in the travel industry

  • For use in marketing a travel series

  • Research

  • Research & teaching

  • Travel and Tourism research

  • To help prepare reports for the Planning Institute of Jamaica

  • Developing marketing strategies for business expansion.

  • I will be using it for integration into my marketing plan and I will be using it to help and educate our private sector

  • Market Analysis and projections for upcoming quarters/seasons

  • Citizen International Departures

  • Analyze trends and opportunities within the travel industry. Understand where the growth and activity is projected to be.

  • Strategic Marketing Planning

  • Research reports

  • Update industry members on developments in international tourism

  • I am a member of the media (for the trade) and will use the material in our publications: a weekly newspaper and a monthly guide

  • For marketing strategies of our company

  • To stay abreast of international issues in order to communicate them fully to the 4,000 members.

  • Aviation security strategic planning

  • Business development

  • Conocer cual es el comportamiento del sector turismo a nivel mundial

  • To better understand and market tourism to a world wide market

  • Research

  • Education and planning

  • Interface with Tourism Industries programs.

  • Background

  • Assistance with development of state and regional marketing programs.

  • Tracking international visitors, measuring progress of international representatives, developing fact sheets for media use, legislative budgeting purposes

  • Market research and news bits for company newsletter

  • Help formulate marketing decisions

  • Marketing financial products to incoming foreign nationals.

  • Be able to assist my company steered towards the future of the industry

  • To focus my efforts as a newly hired tourism employee who has planning/organizing responsibilities.

  • Information

  • Help me keep up to data on tourism activities both domestically and internationally.

  • To assist Travel & Tourism clients with their international endeavors.

  • Consulting with travel clients, market research

  • To provide state government with statistics on visitation to the state.

  • To stay abreast on current events in the travel industry

  • To keep abreast of data, statistics & trends that will help this office in formulating its marketing plan.

  • For Marketing of the US. and more specifically our city.

  • To develop international marketing plans

  • National comparisons

  • To counsel my tourism clients on U.S. Dept. of Commerce services.

  • To help members of a heritage league in promoting cultural tourism and planning international strategies.

  • We intend to work with agents for clients intending to visit East Africa and also locate tour operators dealing with inbound tourist to USA from Kenya

  • We are doing a study on injury deaths of US travelers.

  • To prepare presentations of the Italian market for Tourism to the U.S. to distribute to the companies in the industry

  • Sales strategies to bring more passengers to the US on a major airline

  • Research on US traveler's health abroad

  • Just would like to keep informed. Thanks!

  • As reference for articles to be published in the newspaper

  • Marketing to Senior Groups

  • For research and to enhance our travel and business services with the latest statistics and information

  • Assist us in our Marketing

  • Share info with local industry, track federal policy with state & local, etc.

  • In-office research

  • I'm the editor of a lodging newsletter. The information would be used primarily for the newsletters/magazines.

  • Budgets, track tourism, keep members up-to-date

  • Research and analyze international visitor data to the US to help plan marketing activities for my tourism clients

  • For the purpose of marketing and promoting our city as an International Visitor Destination

  • In legislative process

  • Research and for development of new programs.

  • Reporting, market segmentation

  • Writing an article on my newspaper

  • Internal reporting and program development

  • For my clients in international tourism marketing

  • Planning and implementation of policies and procedures impacting buyer enrollment for annual conference on tourism.

  • Analysis of outbound destinations for product development

  • International marketing strategies and justification of programs.

  • Policy and research

  • As the International Marketing Manager for a state tourism office I intend to use the information provided by you for the education of our travel and travel related industry.

  • Tourism research and statistical analysis

  • Need data on German & British tourists arriving in the various US cities and states for advertising sales

  • To support research we do.

  • Promote international tourism to the United States and six states within our region

  • Market research for travel guide publishing

  • For making Marketing decisions

  • Allocation of marketing resources for international spending.

  • Strategic business planning

  • For in-house reporting

  • For internal research

  • Interest in tourism and promotion of National Scenic Byway

  • To stay current with industry issues, research and opportunities

  • Equity Research of Travel and Leisure markets.

  • Better planning for our International tourism marketing strategies.

  • To keep on top of market trends/shifts in an effort to better develop effective marketing strategies.

  • Development of marketing strategy for regional tourism promotion from around the globe to California's Central Coast.

  • Market and feasibility studies for hotel/tourism development

  • Market Intelligence

  • Teaching and community development