Navy College Programs

The Navy College Program (NCP) provides opportunities to Sailors to earn college degrees by providing academic credit for Navy training, work experience, and off-duty education. The NCP mission is to enable Sailors to obtain a college degree while on active duty.   In support of the four R's- Recruiting, Readiness, Retention, and Respect, the NCP signals Navy's commitment to education by improving enlistment appeal, demonstrating Navy service and achieving a college degree are compatible, helping Sailors apply themselves to new situations and challenges and better preparing them for advancement, building up Sailors' self-image, and producing higher quality Sailors.

Combining the various components listed above, the Navy College Program serves the needs of our mobile Sailors. We provide uncomplicated access to information along the path to a degree including transferability of college credit and access to education regardless of the Sailors' location or duty station. Participation is voluntary. Sailors participate at their own pace when they are ready. The Navy College Program integrates all components of Voluntary Education. While the NCP is primarily geared toward enlisted Sailors, some NCP components are also available to officers. To learn more, click on the NCP components listed below: