DoDEA Virtual High School

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A group of students with thumbs up; Shutterstock.comWelcome to the DoDEA Virtual High School. We want to take this opportunity to share several important tips that will ensure your success as you complete your courses through the DoDEA Virtual High School. If you have never taken an online class before, you are probably wondering how online courses compare to traditional classes.

Online courses have many things in common with traditional classes. Both have instructors, classmates, completion requirements, course materials and assignments. Although the basic academic skills for success are similar, in the online environment self-direction, time management and self-motivation are critical for student success. If you possess the above characteristics or have the desire to improve these skills, then the online environment may be right for you.


Student Responsibilities

A male student working on a computer in the media center participating in an online course; ThinkStock.comThe DoDEA Virtual High School online courses provide the same responsibilities and competencies as traditional courses within a different framework. As an online student you will need computer skills, specific personal skills, and available resources to be successful. Specific student responsibilities are outlined below:

  • Complete the online course.
  • Have sincere desire to learn and participate in class activities.
  • Maintain self-discipline and avoid procrastination.
  • Communicate effectively with instructors and peers.
  • Be self-directed and self-motivated in his/her approach to learning.
  • Possess effective study skills and habits.
  • Work independently and have the ability to pace his/her own learning.
  • Meet deadlines and fulfill course requirements in a timely manner.
  • Read carefully and follow written instructions.
  • Utilize basic computer skills such as e-mailing, downloading documents, utilizing the internet for research and/or data collection and using productivity software (i.e Microsoft Office Suite).
  • Log into the course daily and contact the instructor often.
  • Be flexible, patient and tolerate change.

A facilitator helping a student complete her online assignment; iStock.comRole of the Facilitator / Mentor

A facilitator/mentor is required to monitor the student on a regular basis and serve as a link as a link between the online teacher(s) and the student.

The following are a list of responsibilities associated with this role:

  • Supervise and unlock tests and quizzes.
  • Assist with contacting DoDEA technical support when problems occur.
  • Encourage students to communicate with instructors, to stay on task and to meet course deadlines.
  • Provide support and positive reinforcement.

People all over the world communicating online; ShutterStock.comCommunication

Students will be expected to interact with the online instructor and classmates in a variety of ways to support instruction. Communication with peers using blogs, wikis, and discussion boards allows students to share ideas and reflect and modify their own understanding of concepts. Teacher-student communications are conducted via the following technologies based upon need and availability: phone, email, instant message (IM), and web-conferencing.

A judge���s gavel in the foreground and an American flag in the background; ShutterStock.comDVHS Academic Integrity Policy

The DoDEA Virtual High School expects all students to abide by ethical academic standards. Academic dishonesty including plagiarism, cheating or copying the work of another, using technology for illicit purposes, or any unauthorized communication between students for the purpose of gaining advantage during an examination is strictly prohibited. The DoDEA Virtual High School's Academic Integrity Policy covers all school-related tests, quizzes, reports, class assignments, and projects, both in and out of class.

Additional information about common errors, expectations, plagiarism defined, and the consequences for plagiarism in a DVHS online course can be found by clicking the link, Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and Cheating.

Technical Specifications

The guidelines below are the recommended technical specifications for students to successfully complete their course in the DoDEA Virtual High School.

  • Windows 2000, XP, or Vista
  • Mac OS X
  • 512 MB RAM, 1GB of free hard disk space
  • 800 MHz processor or better
  • 56K modem or better
  • XGA (1024x768) capable monitor
  • Headsets with microphones
  • Assess to printers and scanners
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.x and above (for both PC and Mac)
  • Internet Explorer 6.x and above (for PC only)
  • Safari 3.x and above (for Mac)
  • Sun Java Run-time Environment (JRE) 1.6 or later
  • Apple Quicktime 7.0 or later
  • Adobe Flash Player 10 or later
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.x or later
  • Enable JavaScript
  • Accept all Cookies
  • Word documents (doc)
  • PowerPoint presentations (ppt)
  • Excel Spreadsheets (xls)
  • Image files (jpg, bmp, gif, tiff, png)
  • Media files (mpg, avi, wma, mp3)
  • Zip files (zip)
  • QuickTime (mov)
  • Adobe Flash (swf)