HEPAP Charges / Reports


About HEPAP Federal Advisory (FACA) and Current HEPAP Charter .pdf file (38KB)

Committee of Visitors (COV)
2010 COV - October 13-15, 2010
2010 COV Charge .pdf file (18KB)
2010 COV Report .pdf file (547KB)
(Updated December 2, 2010)

Meeting Schedule
(Updated November 15, 2010)

HEPAP Reports
(Updated October 26, 2010)

Agendas, Talks, Minutes & Summary Letters
(Updated November19, 2010)

Current Membership .pdf file (17KB)
(Posted February 26, 2010)

Current HEPAP Subpanels
(Updated September 24, 2010)

For Comments or Questions in regards to the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel's section of this website, please contact Kathy Yarmas, at U.S. DOE-HEP

Last modified: 8/31/2011 11:50:31 AM