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> Molecular and Systems Biology
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Molecular and Systems Biology

Protein Expression and Functional Studies
The research components address the hypothesis that cellular behavior can be modeled through an understanding of the biological interface with the environment and the cellular responses that originate from the cellular/environmental interaction. The program is based on capabilities and expertise in protein production and characterization and seeks to develop new approaches for specific functional analysis of proteins. ... Read more
Proteomics is an area of research that seeks to identify the proteins in a biological system at a specific point in time and to understand variations in the abundance of those proteins as a function of cell growth environments. Proteomics researchers isolate, separate, identify, and characterize the proteins from biological systems to better understand what factors influence the relative abundance of those proteins, what functions/metabolic processes are represented by those proteins, and how those functions/metabolic processes are regulated. Read more
Clinical Proteomics and Biomarker Discovery
This project strategically advances NCI's mission to eliminate the suffering and death due to cancer by developing, refining, and deploying the advanced technologies and resources needed for the systematic development of cancer proteomics. Proteomics represents the most promising approach to detect cancer early and develop targeted therapies and preventives for the complex of diseases that compromise cancer. Read more

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