United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Richard L. Roudebush VAMC, Indianapolis, Indiana

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Military Trauma and Relationships
Soldier squeezes stress ball
Military trauma can contribute to relationship challenges.

Has military trauma affected your relationship?

Research shows an association between the effects of trauma and relationships. The effects of trauma may be influencing your relationship with your spouse or partner. This stress in your relationship may also influence how trauma is affecting your life.

The Indianapolis VA Medical Center is conducting a study that can help you improve these relationships.  This study includes a free retreat for you and your spouse/partner.

In a recent VA study of OEF/OIF/OND Veterans, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was the most commonly diagnosed service-related mental health condition. You may be experiencing PTSD if you are having difficulty with unwanted memories, physical or emotional reactions to combat trauma, feeling distant or losing interest in activities you used to enjoy, or have trouble sleeping or concentrating.

Our research team is committed to serving OEF/OIF/OND veterans who may be experiencing the effects of trauma in their everyday lives and in their relationship with a spouse or partner. We have designed a program to help improve your relationship and combat the effects of trauma. The first year of this study has shown some excellent results. Participants have had a decrease in reported PTSD symptoms and have had an increase in their relationship happiness.

Our program includes a weekend skills training retreat for you and your spouse or partner at no cost to you. After the retreat you will either have 2 follow-up groups or 9 individual couple’s sessions with a therapist. In return, we will ask you to complete assessments periodically throughout your study participation. You will receive compensation up to $200 per couple for completing all assessments.

If you think you may benefit from our program, please call Dr. Brandi Luedtke at 317-988-4763 to find out if you qualify and reserve a space in our next group. Review this flyer for more information.