The California National Guard - Always Ready, Always There
184th Infantry Crest 



California National Guard - Californians Serving Our State and Nation


Bravo Company recruits, trains, equips, prepares, and sustains soldiers to fight and win the nation’s battles, mobilize for other federal contingencies; respond to domestic emergencies and community support missions.

Significant Dates:        

August 2004: 1-184th Infantry mobilized for deployment to Baghdad, Iraq.
January 2005: 1-184th Infantry deployed to Baghdad, Iraq.
September 2005: 1-184th Infantry (soldiers not deployed to Iraq) deployed to New Orleans, Louisiana.
October 2005: 1-184th Infantry (soldiers not deployed to Iraq) return from New Orleans. Additional 1-184th Infantry soldiers not deployed to Iraq) deployed to New Orleans, Louisiana.
November 2005: Remaining 1-184th Infantry (soldiers not deployed to Iraq) return from New Orleans.
January 2006: 1-184 Infantry returns from a year long deployment to Iraq.
May 2006: Charlie Company 1-185 Infantry is now part of Bravo Company 1-184 Infantry.
August 2006:  Bravo Company / 1-184 Infantry deployed to San Jose, California as part of Operation Aero Shield.
September 2006: Bravo Company, 1-184 Infantry returns from deployment to San Jose, California as part of Operation Aero Shield.
October 2006: Bravo Company, 1-184 Infantry received an award from the City of San Jose for augmenting security at San Jose International Airport during Operation Aero Shield.
May 2007:  Bravo Company, 1-184 Infantry deploys to Camp Roberts to train and document 900 1-143 FA Soldiers on Warrior Tasks in preparing them for Iraq.

Contact Information: 
Peter A. Lewis
B Co, 1-184 Infantry Regiment
Bravo Company Armory:  (925) 829-0223
Company Commander's E-Mail: