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Fort Campbell Education


The Mission of the Fort Campbell Schools, as a world-class organization serving all eligible children equally, is to produce individuals who have developed and refined the skills of acquiring knowledge, processing information, identifying and solving problems, experimenting, collaborating and communicating; we will accomplish this through a facilitative and interactive learning environment that nurtures the physical, social, emotional, aesthetic, and intellectual domains


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Fort Campbell Schools! We are delighted you will be part of our school community and look forward to working in partnership with you in the education of your children.

Our schools offer a rigorous, system-wide curriculum built on national standards. Our support programs are specifically designed to meet the needs of students whether they require additional instruction and skills acquisition or enriched and expanded educational opportunities. Our educators are fully certified, engaged in continuous targeted professional development, and are attuned to the unique needs of the military child. Our relationship with you and the military community is built on mutual respect and a solid commitment to positive collaboration for the best interests of our students. Our schools strive for continuous improvement in instructional programs and practices and truly believe in the adage "If better is possible, good isn't enough."

We extend to you a warm welcome to visit our schools often. Please get to know the teachers and administrators, attend school events, and become active in organizations that support the schools. Parents, your interest and involvement in your children's educational life is crucially important to their success. Research clearly shows that parent involvement in their children's education directly and positively affects student achievement.

We strive to forge strong home-school communication links. Our schools and community office websites have information ranging from curriculum standards to inclement weather policy. School newsletters contain important information about upcoming events and current topics. While formal opportunities for parent - teacher conferences are scheduled throughout the year, you may easily contact school personnel through the school office or via email when you have questions or concerns. Each of our administrators has an Open Door policy, as do I. We invite you to stay in touch with the educators who provide services to your children

This school year promises exciting learning experiences and continuing opportunities for parents, students and educators to work together toward each student's educational goals


Glenn H. English Jr. Army Education Center 

The Army Continuing Education System provides educational programs to Soldiers. Classes allow them to develop skills and occupational needs, as well as increase their career potential, job satisfaction and educational growth. Education programs and offices are located in the Staff Sgt. Glenn H. English Jr. Army Education Center located at 202 Bastogne Ave. The AEC offers a convenient educational atmosphere for Soldiers to take advantage of all education programs and services conducive to learning. 

Basic Skills Education Program 
The Basic Skills Education Program is the Army’s primary on-duty education program for enlisted personnel. BSEP is offered in two formats—an independent study BSEP Lab during duty hours, and a two-week, on-duty program. The program is designed to help Soldiers master functional reading, writing and mathematical skills. Completion of the program aids Soldiers in raising their general technical score, thus enhancing re-enlistment and promotion potential, as well as their MOS efficiency. BSEP is also offered as a self-paced computer program. For more information about the program, call (270) 798-1612. 

Counseling Services 
The education center provides a broad spectrum of guidance and counseling services, including information about tuition assistance and the Montgomery G.I. Bill. Counselors provide assistance and information pertaining to the requirements of education programs and can also provide guidance in the selection of academic and vocational subjects. For more information or to schedule an appointment with an education counselor, visit the information and reception station located in the main lobby of the education center, or call (270) 798-3201/6988. 

Testing Center 
The Testing Center provides Soldiers with an environment for monitored testing often required for college credit, evaluation and placement. This includes many of the nationally administered standardized tests. Military skill assessment and placement tests are also conducted at the center. For more information, contact the testing center at (270) 798-3402. 

Learning Resource Center 
The Learning Resource Center offers automation support for all Army Continuing Education System programs. The LRC is available to Soldiers, Department of Defense civilians, adult family members and students attending classes in the Army Education Center. The LRC offers students a variety of multi-media resources at their convenience. Computer training is available in personal computer hardware and software, with training levels ranging from elementary to postgraduate. For more information, call (270) 798-2918. 

College Programs 
The on-post college program is provided by Austin Peay State University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Murray State University, and Hopkinsville Community College. These institutions provide a variety of associate, baccalaureate and master degree level programs to military personnel, as well as adult military Family members, retired military personnel and DoD civilians. Education counselors can provide information on financial aid, tuition assistance and veteran’s benefits for Soldiers. For more information, contact the school office or the Counseling Branch located in the Education Center.