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Our Mission is to anticipate, detect, deter, prevent, and defend against threats to Service Members, Civilian Employees, Family Members, Contractors, Visitors, information, materiel and facilities and, if necessary, mitigate effects of an attack or incident to restore normalcy.

Personnel Security:   Margaret Spradlin, Chief

For information call the Personnel Security Admin Office at either 907-3446 or 907-3447

 Hours of Operation:  M-F  0730-1600 (Closed Federal Holidays)
Located at 2-5935 Butner Rd
Corner of Armistead and Butner

Industrial Security & Threat ID:   Michael Cains, Chief

To report suspicious activity click on the "iSALUTE" icon: iSalute used to report Malicious or Suspicious Activity


Information Security/OPSEC/Destruction Facility:   John D. Hodge, Chief

Did you know that Fort Bragg provides FREE shredding of material such as paper, plastic, and soft bendable metals?  But, that isn't all!  We also degauss magnetic material such as hard drives and video tapes.  Remember this is free to all Fort Bragg activities!  Off post government activities pay only .19 cents per pound.

Did you know that Fort Bragg is a 100% destruction installation?  This means that ANY information on paper material, CDs/DVDs, videotapes, and/or storage devices, copied to a CD/DVD, videotaped, or saved to a storage device has to be destroyed!  See Destruction Facility Link at left for more information. Call 432-2488 and leave your unit, name and phone number and someone will call you back to make an appointment or for more information.  The hours of operations are:

Tuesday - Thursday by appointment only from 0900 - 1530 (Closed all Federal and Corps training holidays).

 Photography on Fort Bragg
It is a crime to photograph Defense installations for commercial gain or for public viewing without first obtaining permission of the Commanding Officer (18 USC 795). Further it is also a crime to reproduce, publish, sell or give away any photograph, picture or graphic representation of a Defense installation without first obtaining permission of the commanding officer (18 USC 797).  Soldiers and DA Civilians do not need to get permission BUT must have their activity's OPSEC officer review before making them public.  Anyone else, including contractors and Family members, must obtain written authorization prior to taking any photos on the installation. 

Fort Bragg’s commanding officer has delegated authority for controlling photography requests to the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security, Security Division INFOSEC/OPSEC/Destruction Facility Branch.  For more information call 910-396-9423 (DSN 236).

Last Updated on 19 Jul 12. 
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U.S. Army Fort Bragg - This is an Official Government Web Site. Last Modified May 31, 2012