The California National Guard - Always Ready, Always There
Image of legal desk.  California Legal Assistance Site. 

California National Guard

Legal Assistance

California National Guard - Californians Serving Our State and Nation

 Welcome to the Legal Assistance Home Page  

The Legal Assistance Homepage has changed so please review the information below in order to ensure you request for legal assistance is directed to the correct section.


Legal  Assistance Program is available to Army National Guard Soldiers.  Air Guard members, please contact your Wing Staff Judge Advocate for legal assistance support.

If you are a servicemember from another component or state (Army, Navy, etc.), you can find your local Legal Assistance Office here:  U.S. Armed Forces Legal Assistance Office



Any Soldier who recieved a notice of potential debt from the Incentive Task Force or a notice of debt and collection from the USPFO, see below:

California Army National Guard Servicemembers who received an Incentive Task Force or USPFO Notifications of Debt due to a Bonus or Loan Payment, please Click Here for more information: Click here to Request Legal Assistance Click Here  (California Army National Guard Only)

Veterans of California Army National Guard: Click here to Request Legal Assistance Click Here  for additional information about responding to your notifications. 


All California Army National Guard Soldiers who do not have a bonus/loan recoupment issue, please Click here to Request Legal Assistance 

COMING SOON:  All California Army National Guard Soldiers who are deploying and are requesting rights pursuant to the California Military and Veterans Code.

For Military Justice matters (UCMJ), please contact Trial Defense Services at, private business transactions, litigation against the United States, and employment matters (except enforcement of USERRA).   Pursuant to AR 27-3, Legal Assistance cannot provide advice on military justice issues. 


Legal Advisory Notice
The information displayed on this website is meant for the sole use of California National Guard Servicemembers, their families, and other personnel eligible for legal assistance from the California National Guard Office of the Staff Judge Advocate.  The information is general in nature and presented to assist those eligible persons prepare for a legal assistance appointment with a professional in the legal office.  Rights and responsibilities vary widely according to the particular set of circumstances in each case.  Laws can vary across states, services, and civilian jurisdictions, and laws are changed from time to time.  This web site and all links have been produced for general informational purposes only and do not create an attorney-client relationship. It should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice from an attorney.  Any links provided are only for the convenience of the user and are not endorsed by the Army or the California National Guard.

Please remember:  In general, Army regulations and staffing considerations do not permit our attorneys to represent you in civil court, especially lawsuits by or against you. Except in very rare circumstances, you will need to engage a civilian attorney for any in-court representation that is required.

Legal Questions Submitted to California National Guard Office Legal Personnel.  In connection with the submission of legal questions to California National Guard Office Legal Personnel, we only require, and we encourage you to only provide, the minimum amount of personal identifying information necessary to process a question.  All of your personal information provided to California National Guard Office Legal Personnel, including email addresses, is concealed from all other users of California National Guard Legal Site.  Only selected California National Guard Office Legal Personnel have access, for purposes of site administration only, to this information.  California National Guard Office Legal Personnel will not disclose this information to third parties without your permission, except in the following circumstances: (i) to protect ourselves from liability, or (ii) to respond to legal process or to otherwise comply with the law. 

Do not disclose confidential secret factual matters pertaining to your case in this email.  This request form does not create an attorney-client relationship. 

Privacy information:  Disclosure is voluntary but failure to provide all information may affect the ability to provide services or timely route the request.  Please provide as much information as you can about you and your case.  All case information provided is considered work product and is not subject to discovery and disclosure. Your information will not be disclosed outside the CNG legal offices.



How does the CNG Online Legal Assistance Request Form Work?
After you submit the online form, a member of the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate or a Brigade Legal Team member will contact you.  Your information will be held in the strictest confidence.  If a CAARNG paralegal contacts you, please be aware that they are tasked with gathering additional information and provide referrals to additional legal resources that may assist you even further.  CNG paralegals are not lawyers and cannot give legal advice. They can tell you, however, whether your situation is one that is best handled by a lawyer or if some other type of help may be better for you.  If a lawyer’s help is advisable, you will be given the name and telephone number of a licensed and insured attorney who can help you.