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Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
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Calendar of Events
February 2013
February 12-13 – Great Lakes Waterways Conference, Cleveland,
March 2013
March 5-7 – Great Lakes Commission Semiannual Meeting and Great Lakes Day, Washington DC,
April 2013
April 15-19 – International Joint Commission Spring Semi-Annual Meeting, Washington DC,
May 2013
May 13-17 – 56th Annual Conference Great Lakes Research, West Lafayette, Ind.,
May 29-30 – Annual Meeting of Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Montreal,
June 2013
June 19-21 – Annual Meeting of Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, Marquette, Mich.,
July 2013
July 29-August 2 – 5th National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (NCER), Chicago,
September 2013
TBD – Great Lakes Commission Semi-Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisc.,
TBD – Healing Our Waters' 9th Annual Great Lakes Restoration Conference,
October 2013
TBD – Great Lakes Wind Collaborative 6th Annual Meeting,

This Web site is the online center for public information and involvement in the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS). Browse this Web site, and subscribe to receive e-mail alerts and GLMRIS newsletters. You can also attend public forums to be hosted by USACE. Forum details such as date, time, and location will be announced on this Web site, to GLMRIS email subscribers, and through social media outlets.

The GLMRIS Team is utilizing Facebook and Twitter as a means of broadcasting ways to stay involved with GLMRIS and with issues associated with aquatic nuisance species. Join the GLMRIS conversation on Facebook and Twitter.

Current Involvement Opportunities

ANS Control Screening Comment Period

The GLMRIS Team screened controls inventoried in the ANS Control Paper. We determined certain ANS Controls do not warrant additional consideration and have eliminated them from further study. We are seeking public comments on the ANS Control Screening through February 21, 2013.

Focus Area 2 Other Aquatic Pathways Comment Period

Interim reports for 18 potential aquatic pathways, as well as a summary report, are being released starting September 14, 2012. The GLMRIS FA2 Team is asking for public input on these reports. Each report has a 30-day comment period following its release. Read the reports and submit comments through the FA2 Documents page.

With Valentine's day right around the corner, the GLMRIS Team wants to thank all of our stakeholders and followers for their dedication to and interest in aquatic nuisance species prevention. We can't do it without you!

... See More
February 13, 2013
GLMRIS team members held an internal planning meeting today to discuss hydro-separation alternatives, to include lifecycle costs, impacts to uses and impacts to users and potential mitigation requirements.

A GLMRIS report due to Congress in December will provide decision makers and sta... See More
February 11, 2013
You have until Feb. 21 to comment on the screened aquatic nuisance species controls for the fish, algae, crustaceans and plants of concern for inter-basin transfer between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins!

Using the information provided in the initial ANS Control Paper, the ... See More
February 5, 2013
Check out how the Corps of Engineers is combatting the invasive carp, along with other aquatic nuisance species in this video, featuring the Corps Chicago District Deputy Commander Lt. Col. Jim Schreiner.

... See More
February 1, 2013
Great Lakes network meeting on ecological separation, from left, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District Deputy Commander Lt. Col. Jim Schreiner, ... See More
January 30, 2013
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) today released the following:

ANS Controls Screening:
As part of our continuing study, USACE has screened the ANS Controls identified in the Inventory of Available Controls for Aquatic Nuisance Species of Concern – Chicago Area Waterway ... See More
January 18, 2013
Colonel Frederic Drummond and the GLMRIS team provided an update to the GLMRIS Executive Steering Committee today. For more about GLMRIS, visit the website: ... See More
January 15, 2013
New Illinois state regulation now in effect, making it illegal for a boat in one river or lake to pick up plants and then go into another body of water — at least without being cleaned first.

... See More
January 3, 2013
View pictures from today's press conference at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Three new bighead carp added to Invasive Species Exhibit! The three carp were captured in a lagoon in Chicago. While the lagoon is landlocked, it's a reminder that human transport is another way for invasive spec... See More
December 20, 2012

Past Involvement Opportunities

ANS Control Comment Period

USACE asked interested members of the public to review the list of potential Controls contained in the Inventory of Available Controls for Aquatic Nuisance Species of Concern – Chicago Area Waterway System and provide information regarding Controls that may be effective but not included in the paper or comments regarding Controls listed in the paper. Comments were received via electronic submittal through the GLMRIS Web site and mail. The comment period ran from December 21, 2011 through February 17, 2012. USACE reviewed and incorporated public input before finalizing and re-issuing the paper. View these Controls and the updated paper on the ANS Control Page.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read the paper and to comment. The GLMRIS Team appreciates your input!

NEPA Public Scoping

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping period was from November 16, 2010 through March 31, 2011. For more information regarding NEPA scoping, see What is NEPA Scoping?

During the scoping period, USACE solicited public comments regarding the scope of GLMRIS. Comments were delivered during 12 USACE-hosted public scoping meetings and received via electronic submittal through the GLMRIS Web site, mail and hand-delivery.

Please refer to the Completed NEPA Public Scoping Meetings and Transcripts page for more information regarding these meetings and to view transcripts of the scoping meetings.

The comments received during the scoping period are available on the View Scoping Comments page. A summary of the NEPA public scoping activities and the comments submitted during the scoping period is available in the NEPA Scoping Summary Report (PDF, 1.4 MB).

For Additional Information

For additional information on aquatic nuisance species and what you can do to prevent their spread, visit the following federal agency websites:

For location-specific information addressing aquatic nuisance species, visit your state's Department of Natural Resources website.

For further information on GLMRIS, please contact:

Office of Public Affairs
Chicago District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer
111 North Canal Street
Chicago, IL 60606

Via email: