United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Patient Care Services

About Us

The Office of Patient Care Services is dedicated to ensuring excellence for veterans in the full Continuum of Health Care (from health promotion, disease prevention, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative to recovery and palliative care). Our goal is to provide care through policy and program development and oversight, which promotes dignity and respect and is achieved by utilizing innovative approaches and technologies through interdisciplinary collaboration both within and outside the Veteran Health Administration.

ICARE core values logo

VA embraces five "Core Values" for all of our employees. We need values in place as the "backbone" for our health care system. These Values are:

  • Integrity: Act with high moral principle. Adhere to the highest professional standards. Maintain the trust and confidence of all with whom I engage.
  • Commitment: Work diligently to serve Veterans and other beneficiaries. Be driven by an earnest belief in VA’s mission. Fulfill my individual responsibilities and organizational responsibilities.
  • Advocacy: Be truly Veteran-centric by identifying, fully considering, and appropriately advancing the interests of Veterans and other beneficiaries.
  • Respect: Treat all those I serve and with whom I work with dignity and respect. Show respect to earn it.
  • Excellence: Strive for the highest quality and continuous improvement. Be thoughtful and decisive in leadership, accountable for my actions, willing to admit mistakes, and rigorous in correcting them.