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December 16, 2010

Expanding the Team

Posted by: Administrator Craig Fugate

Today, President Obama convened the White House Tribal Nations Summit, inviting the leaders of all 565 federally recognized tribes to Washington DC to meet with him and his Administration’s top officials. I was honored to hear the President speak this morning and then to participate in a conversation with tribal leaders from all over the country. 

FEMA is committed to working with American Indians and Alaska Natives and looks to their sovereign leadership for guidance on how we can best support them in building more resilient and better prepared communities.  In order to better support them before, during and after disaster strikes, FEMA is placing a tribal liaison in each of our Regional Offices.  This will allow us to more closely coordinate with tribes, and make sure they have the support they need while responding to and recovering from disasters.

Today’s conference shows how serious this Administration is about building stronger relationships with tribal nations.  Tribal leadership is an essential part of the emergency management team in planning for the whole of community.  We’re grateful to all of those who traveled to Washington today to represent their communities.

- Craig


  1. Where was FEMA when the Sioux had a massive power outage due to an ice storm?

  2. Well at least I know why Fugate is an Administrator and not a Chief.


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