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February 24, 2011

News of the Day: Citizen and EMT's honored for saving a life

Posted by: Public Affairs

An alert citizen, combined with a well-trained team of first responders, can save a life.  Just ask Col. Lawrence Barrett Holmes, the Defense Coordinating officer at FEMA's regional office in Atlanta. 

Col. Holmes was dining at a restaurant while on assignment in Kentucky when he suffered a stroke. His waitress, Sandy Beanblossom, noticed a change in behavior and alertly called 9-1-1.  Because of her quick action and the work of the emergency medical technicians who quickly arrived on the scene, Colonel Holmes’ effects from the stroke have been minimal (read the full article from the Louisville Courier-Journal).

On Friday, February 23, the Kentucky Emergency Management Agency and Bullitt County Judge-Executive Melanie Robert honored Sandy and three members of the EMT team for their quick, decisive and ultimately life-saving actions.

Like Sandy, you can make a difference in your community, too - whether it's calling 9-1-1 when you notice an emergency, making sure the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarm are working, or helping your employer prepare for an emergency.  We encourage you to look into the training opportunities offered in your community, like CPR, first-aid, or an emergency preparedness course.  And if you're interested in helping your community better prepare for disasters, then contact your local Community Emergency Response Team for specialized training opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see that well prepared citizens and trained professionals make a difference in their community. Acting fast cannot be under estimated. Well done!


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